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Bow attack speed help

Discussion in 'Bow' started by Empera, Jul 17, 2023.

  1. Empera

    Empera Member

    Jul 16, 2023
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    So I'm new at the game and decided to use a bow as my weapon as I like a ranged DPS playstyle. When I first started playing (around 2 days ago), I understood (and still don't understand) nothing. But I saw that raising Dexterity increases bow damage and Agility increases attack speed. I'm lvl 50 now and have been adding stats on DEX more and the rest on AGI to increase my attack speed as well (I'm around 70 stats on DEX and 30 on AGI). But when I saw some guides, they put stats on STR and DEX. I didn't know that STR increases Crit damage so it's all good. What I don't understand is what they do about the attack speed while hunting. But in the guide vids, I see them attacking very fast. So I wanted to know how they manage the attack speed or how they increase it. I know there are equipments that increase attack speed but I can't access them right now due to just starting and thus, having a low level. I heard there are skills to increase attack speed but, as I said earlier, I'm low leveled so I have my hands full using my skill points on my important shooting skills and the MP charge skill so I cannot access them. I wanna know if there is a catch to putting all stats in DEX and STR that increases attack speed alongside or do I just gotta bear with the meh damage till I reach a higher level and can access the skills and equipment. Please tell me if somebody reading this has time to answer so that I can reset my stats and allocate them accordingly when I get a Reset Book.
  2. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    DEX also increases attack speed a bit. After you hit 255 DEX then you will invest on 247 STR, then continue investing on DEX. Skills you saw on video is from the Halberd skill tree. Quick Aura and then Godspeed Wield(this skill makes you squishy tho, so practice not to get hit).

    Here are sample skills investment. ^_^
    IMG_20230718_022802.jpg IMG_20230718_022428.jpg IMG_20230718_022330.jpg IMG_20230718_022247.jpg
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  3. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Str increases attack, crit damage, and stability for bows so the most common stat allocation for bow builds are Dex>Str.

    While Agi gives attack speed and crit damage, it's not the optimal stat allocation for bow. In fact, bowgun will be better at handling Dex>Agi build than bow because Str doesn't give attack for bowguns, only stability and crit damage (and because it can double as Dex>Agi crafter).

    Attack speed is usually covered by three things:
    - consumable (Giga/Tera speed pot)
    - equipment (Time Warp Watch/Mischievous Pocket Watch/Volgagon
    - skills (Quick Aura, Godspeed Wield)

    Giga pot is the easiest and cheapest to access consumable since it only requires mana to craft.
    TWW can be bought anytime for your ring slot, while MPW is an event drop and is untradable-a better/worse TWW because of extra mana but rekt resistance. Volgagon is a crystal that you can put in the ring.
    Quick Aura increases your attack speed by +500 and +25%, which is very suitable for Agi builds and still useful for non-Agi builds.
    Godspeed Wield on other hand turns you into literal glass and gives you +10% motion speed and +300 aspd per stack (max stack 3, +30%ms +900aspd) which roughly translates to 6,300 attack speed.

    While going gungho on attack speed might seem nice and dandy, please take note that attack speed is soft capped while motion speed is hard capped.
    Motion speed is capped at 50%. After 1,000 aspd, every 180aspd is converted into 1% motion speed.
    Without Godspeed Wield, you'll need a whopping 10,000 aspd to reach 50% motion speed. With Godspeed Wield, you will need 4,600 aspd + 3 stacks of gsw (3,700 before you use gsw). If you want to see how fast it is in action(for skill), you can check it by using combo tag Swift.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2023
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  4. Empera

    Empera Member

    Jul 16, 2023
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    Thanks a lot! Well, I already invested skill points on Moeba Shot, Arrow rain and Paralysis shot (and a bit of alchemy 'cause I didn't know what I was doing) so ig I'll have to use my points sparingly now.
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  5. Empera

    Empera Member

    Jul 16, 2023
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    Thanks! What level do you think is the best for starting to acquire Halberd Quick Aura. I'm at 50 now so should I just buy Halberd skills and max out Quick Aura ASAP? What's the duration of the skill btw?
  6. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Those are usable as well. Moeba is a good combo opener, it slows down your target while you place your decoy. Paralysis for stability and there is Arrow rain for aoe dmg.

    3min for non halberd user. ^_^
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  7. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    It's a tier 1 Halberd skill so you'll need 10 skill points to get it maxed. Stargem is recommended to save points, but it's obvious you don't have that budget so it can be done at a later date. Just make sure to save some skills points for tier 3 skills which are unlocked at Lv70.
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  8. Empera

    Empera Member

    Jul 16, 2023
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    That's actually decent. But I just reset my stats today and put it all on DEX and find out that it doesn't make much of a difference. Just remodeled my armor to light and am practicing evasion at some bosses with a guild mercenary so maybe I'll get the skill when I encounter a hard boss where every milli-second matters. Thanks a lot for all the help. Appreciate it!
  9. Empera

    Empera Member

    Jul 16, 2023
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    Got it

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