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Bowgun/w sub Magic Device Notes

Discussion in 'Hunter' started by Kaisyl, Oct 12, 2019.

  1. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Bowgun: A ranged type weapon which gains attack growth from the DEX stat only. It is possible to use bowguns with knuckles for some support and disabling ability, with daggers for increased dps as is with arrows and with magic device to boost the power and range of magic attacks.

    This thread focuses on bowgun (bg) and magic device (md)

    BG /w MD is a wide area AoE specialist late game with absurd MP recovery ability. Unfortunately, what it makes up for in large AoE damage, it loses in mobility. The main stats of this build are DEX and INT.

    Early game (lv1~69) it is recommended to focus entirely on completing the story mission. Your first true DPS skill only comes from tier 3 and it is not worth it to max out any skill prior. MP management at this point is ok with the availability of MP charge and you also gain access to one of your key defensive skills, magic wall and backstep (not too sure about backstep).

    Mid game (lv70~149) You have access to snipe now as well as a few more magic skills. The most important magic skill is impact which should be leveled to 7 for instant cast and should be taken for it's MP cost halving ability. At this point you have access to storm and blast which work sufficiently well at lv5 for "tossed on/intermediate" magic AoE dps. Sunrise arrow and arrow rain do minor AoE dps and as such you can chose to max them at own discretion. They are still viable for AoE proration. Not much changes here tho other than the dex stat hitting the first cap of 255. Snipe is still your main damage skill until...

    Late Game (lv150+) You now have access to your finishers, cross fire and finale. Both skills require that you do not get hit and at this point where all other dps are catching up, your playstyle would revolve around learning the boss before unleashing your final attacks. Here, magic wall comes in handy for bosses prone to knockback like iconos and lal vada or your slow and stop ailments can make it easier to unleash finale. Here, it is also important to know that you must focus on equipment which increase both ATK and MATK and as such, most player made gear is unavailable to you. Your choices of xtals are also limited to those which either add pierce or boost both ATK and MATK. At this point, MP management becomes so incredibly easy that you are able to use high MP cost combos with near spammable speed. (Eg: i can use impact finale combo 3 times with 20 mp. The combo costs 10 mp. Yes, let that sink in.)

    Recommended skill trees
    > Shot
    > Magic
    > Magic Warrior
    > Assassin (backstep only)
    > Survival (HP and MP boost)
    > Battle (when you have enough skill points for spell burst passive)

    + Average Magic and physical damage but adequate capacity to do both(not as kuch as staff finale, not as much as bow cross fire)

    + Not affected greatly by bad proration and spamming party (can freely change between magic and physical damage)

    + Can produce sustained AoE DPS.

    + Can utilize high MP cost combos with incredible ease

    + Stupid easy mp management

    - Bad mobility (In the case where casting magic basically roots the player position.)

    - Specific equipment build.

    - If you get hit, you lose your finisher damage/cripple it

    - Extremely high agro can be generated if using skills without sneak attack.

    Note: No I will not tell you jow many stat points to put where and when or why but i will tell you to save your reset book and book of oblivion in case.
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  2. Wimzi

    Wimzi Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2018
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    I tried out this build before the conversion balance and almost capped it. I reset it to a different style BG/MD like 2 days before the balance and now I regret it TvT; it definitely has a ton of potential now!
  3. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Potential? It's laughably insane now how good it is with those minor changes
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  4. Wimzi

    Wimzi Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2018
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    Agreed!! Already decent before the change but this just gave it the edge it needed. Definitely will be rebuilding it soon ^^ Hope to see more try it out as well!
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