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Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Peek-A-Boo, Nov 27, 2020.

  1. Peek-A-Boo

    Peek-A-Boo New Member

    Nov 8, 2020
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    so I've been wanting to make a bs so I can craft my own equip and stat them. any tips? is a bs vit tank good? Is it worth it?

    I've seen around people saying you're better off resetting a capped character than making a new one from scratch (and making them a tank) since apparently bs vit tanks aren't that great? That's what I've simply been told
  2. +Aria Kanzaki+

    +Aria Kanzaki+ Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    My Tech>vit tank bs is an armor crafter, statter, refiner, and alchemist all in 1. But I could only have 38 spare skill points after maxing everything on blacksmith and alchemist skill tree. So I spent mine on shield bash lvl 10 and guardian lvl 10. I have provoke lvl 10 stargem and smash lvl 10 stargem so I could flinch and spam provoke for aggro, and because I don't have p.def I just use guard or avoid some boss' attacks. You would also need high ampr to be able to spam provoke because you don't have decoy, my bs tank had like +82 ampr(25 from ava). I used this bs tank to lvl from 210 to 217 at the new boss arachnidemon yesterday, it worked fine, this bs tank would also work fine on most minibosses, as well as some bosses if you know the attack pattern.

    If you only plan to have blacksmith skills on vit bs tank then at lvl 215~ you would already have enough skill points to get all the necessary tank skills without using stargems, and can tank fine on most bosses except the high difficulty event bosses that needs ailment resistance.
  3. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    • They only say to reset a capped char and make it bs because bs are hard to level since:
    1) you have limited sp (initially) [n decision between tank skills or bs skills]
    2) dps tanks arent needed in most pt..like..they get kicked due to lack of efficient performance.

    • Tanks are good for bs (easier than dps atleast)

    • Bs vit can craft armours, but due to so many bs vit smiths these days, are not useful until you get 2s (or a very high pot)..meanwhile weapon smith are still better since they can sell weapon based on high atk or pot

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