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build reccomendation

Discussion in 'Pet/Taming' started by AMERICA, Nov 11, 2019.


    AMERICA New Member

    Nov 10, 2019
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    Hello, I am brand new to this game. I want to make a full tank build with dps pets, is this viable? I am trying to find a build guide but I have been unable to. Any advice?
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    if you rely on your pet that much, you must use Pet Heal and Pet MP Charge.
    those are most effective with Bows, but Bows are bad at tanking, unless you use Katana as sub weapon.

    recover mp with Decoy Shot, block attacks with Magadachi and Zantei Zettetsu and supply hp and mp to your pet with the tamer skills.

    another option is to use Staff and Shield.
    you can block attacks with Perfect Defense, which also keeps aggro on you, and protect the pet with Guardian.
    the pet healing skills are slower with Staff but still faster than other weapons.

    but if the pet dies, there is no revive skill for it, and it takes 2.5 minutes to revive by itself.
    you can reduce damage on the pet by having it learn the Cover skill, but then you will take that damage instead, so you need to heal yourself as well.
    use Mini Heal/Heal with Bow or (Advanced) Bless with Staff.

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