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Capping blacksmiths as a newbie smither

Discussion in 'Production Class' started by Kazumichi, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. Kazumichi

    Kazumichi New Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    I understand that you have to cap your blacksmiths to get the highest pot. How do people usually cap them at such a quick rate?
  2. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Main Quest + normal grinding.

    Main quest nowadays gives a crapton of EXP. The latest even hands out more than 140m EXP. Once you finish the main quest, Adventurer's Diary comes into play. This allows you to go back to a chapter you already finished, then start from there once again. You could get them from livestream rewards and events, so try not to miss the codes.

    The usual grinding can be done if your blacksmith can also fight. The best example of this are bow, bowgun and armor crafters. Their blacksmith stats are pretty much the same as their DPS/tank counterparts, and the builds doesn't use much skill points. I recommend that you plan your builds using a skill simulator like what Coryn Club offers. If your blacksmith cannot fight, then you will need a hard carry if you intend to grind. Fast kill + EXP book power leveling is actually quite reliable.

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