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CB issues (community board)

Discussion in 'Toram Online In Game Issues / Device Support' started by xxxdsmer, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. xxxdsmer

    xxxdsmer Member

    Jul 1, 2018
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    Specifically with all user CB.
    I can post lizard liquor for a ridiculous price and it shows up in all user price sort (checking with a different account than the one that posted the lizard liquor).

    I go to post summer shell at the price I've been selling them at, in all user cb, and about 3 minutes later I can see the price I typed + the tax %.. it shows up in Registered sort, but never shows up in Price sort.

    While that's going on I take off 2k from the amount I usually type for posting SS to All User CB.. few minutes later I can see the normal amount minus 2k plus the tax %. In both of Registered and Price sort.

    This is extremely annoying because I know the shells will sell at my normal price. Shells will also show up in english cb price sort.

    Wrote "support" from the ingame thing but haven't heard from the last 3 or more times I've wrote them about different ingame issues

    And all this while seeing others that post 10+ stacks at the same price they've been posting all along.

    I don't think it's anything on my end.. if it were it's highly unlikely anything I post would appear in registered sort. It's just shells don't show in Price sort at my usual amount. That usual amount is low enough that it's not off the bottom of the price sort list. And everything is taking the tax% into consideration. I reduce my amount by 2k things show up in price sort, and things sell. Normal price? no SS shows up in price sort, so no SS sells.. but its all showing in registered :/

    EDIT: just tried posting ss at the 2k lower amount that worked yesterday.. zero showed up in price support all user. They're in registered sort, they're not sold. Whiskey tango foxtrot
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2022
  2. xxxdsmer

    xxxdsmer Member

    Jul 1, 2018
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    Price sort, not price support. SMH "smart" phones
  3. xxxdsmer

    xxxdsmer Member

    Jul 1, 2018
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    Wow the support for this game is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!
    Wrote a message directly to support *at least* 3 weeks ago, and wrote this at least 2.5 weeks ago.. not a peep from either.
  4. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    We... don't really know what's going on; and if the players are not knowledgeable about something, then we would rather not give out misleading info. It is likely a bug, or it might be just a visual bug and everything might be actually getting shown to other players.
    Did you try asking someone else to verify?
    Does the same happen on guild CB?
  5. xxxdsmer

    xxxdsmer Member

    Jul 1, 2018
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    verified it with my own accounts (multiple android devices). And even when my ss is at or below what does show up in price sort - it doesn't sell. It's not there in price sort so it can't be bought. Even tried leaving ss posted in all user cb for an entire day. No sales. & summer shell moves when its posted at or near the lowest price in price sort.

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