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Change How Remodeling Works

Discussion in 'Toram Online Player Feedback / Review' started by Wolf King, Aug 29, 2020.

  1. Wolf King

    Wolf King Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2017
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    I come back to the game and less than a day later, something frustrating happens that just makes me want to quit it.

    Why is the remodeling system the way it is? Why is the appearance of my gear tied so tightly to my stats in a game where the gear you have equipped can be a pumpkin head, but because you have an (Insert cool Avatar item), no one will know you're walking around with a pumpkin head. You might even forget that what's on your head is a pumpkin head yourself!

    But then, when it comes to the appearance of the actual gear itself, you are screwed if you choose the wrong remodel of your gear. There's no do-overs, there's no way to change it, you're just stuck with some ugly gear. And if you've been away for a bit, you might forget that all important fact that remodeling your gear is a one time thing. Letting the name confuse you. "I'm was never good at making money in this game, but this armor is good and affordable and I have just enough to get it. It's the wrong version but I can remodel the gear, it's fine if it's light." Sike. You played yourself. Your ingame life savings are gone. GG

    I get that it's tied to stats, especially now with the Evasion/Guard overhaul but I've hated this about the game for so long. Just, why?

    My suggestion is just to allow players to remodel gear more than once. Via a blacksmith or synesist skill, at the NPC synthesist/blacksmith for a spina or orb price, or an item that you can get with orbs (like a piercer or something) that you can buy/request. Just something.

    It may seem small, but when you're trying to play, and spend your toram life's savings on a piece of armor, only to find out that you can't have it look the way you want... stuff like that just makes me not want to play the game anymore. And I dont think I'm the only one who feels like this.

    Appearance is a huge part of the incentive to play Toram. Build your character how you want, customize your appearance how you want. Like how you look while you fight. Except you can't always do that. Sometimes you have to ask yourself, "Why am I playing another game where the only reliable way to get stronger in the game, is by wearing what everyone else is wearing? Why am I not playing one of those newer games where the stats are tied to the appearance of gear?"

    I know Top Avatars are a thing. But in all the years I've been playing this game, I've only gotten 2 top Avatars and 1 was an anniversary gift. And neither of which I like the appearance of. I dont know how many orbs I've gone through trying to get just 1 top that I liked but I never let that discourage me... until now. It just feels hopeless.

    Can't get far in the game with my build. Can't even look how I want in the game without spina. Can't get spina because I don't use bots/hacks to get spina. Can't get spina in legit ways because I don't have gear. Can't get the gear I need to clear the content to get items that sell for spina because I don't have spina. Can't even reasonably grind easier farming spots because everything I can farm keeps getting devalued.

    I know this is somewhat of a rant, I'm sorry, but it is a genuine suggestion for the game. You don't like your height, hair color? You have an option to redo/change it. You don't like your character stats? You have an option to change it. You don't like your character skills? You have an option to change it. Don't like the stats on your weapon/armor? There's a chance to change it.

    But if you get the wrong remodel of your armor, that is permanent. I don't understand why the buck stops here and it can be really frustrating. To state it plainly: Please give players the option to change/remodel remodeled gear.
  2. Insane23

    Insane23 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2019
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    Unless the look you want is 6+ colored protos plus 6+ luxens, I suggest you just go to farm.

    I agree remodeling restraint somewhat isn't necessary, but you can redo your armor with right appearance, specially given your spina condition, it won't really cost a lot.

    The remodeling mistake is an only one-time mistake tho, once you are aware of it, it's unlikely to do it again. Search for remodeled appearance on cb or use synthetize equipament preview to check how it'll look before doing it on the item you want.
  3. Wolf King

    Wolf King Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2017
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    Farm what? Flower Nectar? Devalued. Nightmare Crystals? Devalued. Minotaur Skins? Devalued slightly and slow to farm. I don't have the gear to farm higher difficulty stuff that sells better and I don't have the spina to buy the gear I need to farm it.

    I can't redo my armor with the right appearance because I don't have a blacksmith that's anywhere near capable of properly statting armor. And I don't have the spina to buy high potential armor and pay for someone to put the stats on it. I don't have the time to do nothing but sit in one place farming stuff for hours to make pocket change.

    I was looking at some post about a stable way to farm stable income. But even that assumes high level character, decent damage, and multiple bagslots. Every video about farming assumes people already have stuff they can need to actually farm. I've been playing this game for years, of and on, running in circles and I'm barely able to do more than a first time player.

    Sorry tonrant, I know you just trying to help. This game can be frustrating, and looking at all the nines on my friends list isn't helping, just making me question why I'm even trying again. Still as lost now as I was when I first started. Sorry
  4. Pregnant

    Pregnant Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    inb4 Asobimo decides to release smith skill tier 6 on 2022 so player able to remodel armor anytime they want...
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  5. Azin.

    Azin. Brawler Enthusiast Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2016
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    Having alot of spina needs patience tbh.
    I returned to the game with 100k spina and with untradable gears.
    I first went to mino to farm until 500k since that all i can do(mage has no items)

    After that i went to cb and look for items that i could flip for bigger spina(its a gamble and its worth if u know the market prices) sometimes u get lucky and u would get a high value item for cheap then sell it for the market price.

    I did this till 5m(almost a week of patience) while my items are waiting to be sold in the board im leveling/farming at the same time .

    When i got the profit i went and bought my items for my luck mage and farm eb(most sellable item 15-20k/stk) since theres a lot of buyers.

    Then after that i combined both then made a fortune. Its been 1-2months since i came bsck snd my knux has dope appearance and almost have the fullset(still waiting for some xtal to be lower)
    In this game u need to be patient.
    U need some time.
    If u want to get cheap gears u can buy clean weapon/ armor then farm materials so u can ask ur guildmates/ friend to stat it for you.cheapest way possible to have a proper gear.
    My gf has stater 200 just hit me up if u need some stating im willing to help just give the mats needed
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  6. Wolf King

    Wolf King Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2017
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    Lol. At least it's something

    I know, but several years playing and being patient only to realize I've made all of 2 steps of progress just got to me this time. Thanks for the encouragement. Head's on straight again...

    And with my fixed head, I see now that this is part of the forum is meant for reviews of players selling services/trading not game suggestions from players. Whoops. Should I delete post or...?
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  7. Pregnant

    Pregnant Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    No need. Who knows Asobimo put a mole or spy to infiltrate this forum. A brilliant idea might reach them somehow, even though they don't really care about foreign players/servers.
  8. Sul-nii

    Sul-nii New Member

    Jul 12, 2021
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    heuuughhh- that just happened to me! I thought that remodelling was cheaper and like a dum dum I did it without researching first :'))

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