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Class change

Discussion in 'Mage' started by LilyK, Jan 29, 2023.

  1. LilyK

    LilyK New Member

    Jan 29, 2023
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    Lily Kyll
    Hi. New player here.
    So, I'm currently invested in this game so much. However, I'm not sure if I picked the right class to my liking. I only chose mage/magic skill tree build because my mains in Iruna were all from mage class. Pretty much all the way to max.

    The problem I'm facing this time is that at current lvl 150 mage, I've been dealing with various problems such as death from long casting, uncancellable casting, aggro, etc. Looking at other classes at my level, majority of players can survive in most battles while dealing tremendous damage.

    So, my question is:
    1) Any solution for this long casting/uncancellable cast/ dying easily problem as a mage?
    2) If I change class, what class should I pick? I like classes that can survive/agile while dealing decent or explosive damage.

    For Iruna player reference, I enjoy classes like auto-monk(decent fast damage with high surv), enchanter (insane single target damage), hwiz (for explosive n ranged attack).

    Appreciate your opinions on this matter.
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    welcome to Toram Online, forget everything you know from other games because this one is different in just about everything :p

    skill trees =/= classes
    toram is supposed to be class-free, so skill trees mostly do not make up a complete build by themselves. each skill from the magic skill tree is different from the others, but slapping all of them into one build just gives you an unnecessary high number of magic attack spells. this is not Final Fantasy, you don't actually need that much. considering the very large number of abilities that can become useful and the comparatively small number of available skill points (and stat points too) it's very clear that you need to specialize. one character can't do everything, and even a simple role such as "mage" has to decide on a certain style.
    magic involves casting, you can't get around that. cspd shortens cast time, and if you don't build DEX then Chain Cast is even more recommended.
    get someone to cover for you, use equips with -aggro% to get less attention from monsters in combat. raise a tank pet.
    at lv180 you can learn Miracle Evasion which allows you to use evasion during casting time once. light armor is not required for this, you can also use evasion with daggers or MD. if you have a shield, it will cover you while casting Finale, but other than that you cannot guard and cast simultaneously.
    Burst can be activated without casting by charging it up with other magic attack skills. Wall and Storm have the shortest cast times.
    before focusing on what you want to do, you should decide on what weapon you want to fight with. each weapon has multiple options as which "class" they can perform, but the weapon's basic characteristics have a strong influence on what you can do and how you do it.
    although for your preferences i would suggest katana or dual swords. both are good with movement, parry and counter attacks. dual swords specialize in avoiding hits and attacking many times over. katana is all about timing for parry/counter attacks and setting up the right conditions for their strongest skills.
  3. Nekotori

    Nekotori Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    1.) Aim for at least 1000 Cspd, as it reduces cast times to a more manageable speed.

    If using Finale gets you killed a lot, try rotating between these two combos:

    1. 1 Mp Skill -> Impact(cons.) + Lances(smite)+Finale(smite)


    2. Impact + Burst(smite)+Finale(smite)

    It should still deal good damage while still being faster casting, at least until you can unlock more skills at higher levels.

    2.) I'll have to agree with Red Fox with deciding with weapon you want to fight with as each weapon's play style differ from each other in distinctive ways.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2023
  4. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    @LilyK If you really like being a mage, then I think it's too early to change class. On the higher levels, mages can drop the finale skill and only use those fast casting skills(that can still nuke those bosses). Consider what you're experiencing as a bump on the road that you'll overcome, it will soon pass with

    Atm you're also at the crossroad with choices:
    1. Mirage Evasion (Manual Evasion is a plus)
    2. An impregnable defense (Heavy armor, a shield is a plus)
    3. Combination of 1 & 2 ( Gotta find your own balance)

    Also, you might want to research about iframe skills, so you can pick which one would you incorporate with your build for that life saving invincibility:
    1. Magic: Burst (Magic skill tree)
    2. Perfect Defense (Knight skill tree)
    3. Elegant Poise (Dancer skill tree)
    4. Energy Control (Martial skill tree)
    5. Asura Aura ( Martial skill tree)
    6. Exploiting the Invincibility Combo Tag

  5. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    1000 actually. that extra 100 does nothing, at that point you need 180 for further effect.
    cspd reduces cast time by 1% for every 20 points, up to 50% at 1000 points. after that it takes 180 points for each further 1% reduction, to the limit of 100% at 10000 points.
    (same for aspd. that 1100 is misinformation from the early days when no info was available.)
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2023
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