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Class free system

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Kaisyl, May 20, 2020.

  1. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    What if they made a toram sequel and instead of skill trees, they made each skill 'slottable' with each it's it's individual requirement?

    Also, what if weapons are defined as 'blunt', 'single-edged', 'shooter', etc? Makes the stat system easier along with if an attached proficiency system is attached, easier to work with for 'leveling'.

    The drawback? Multiple characters are now useless.

    Your opinion?
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  2. Phoenix。

    Phoenix。 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    I like slot based systems. Doesn‘t matter how many skill points you have you will always have a hard decision to make which skills to use and which not. Actually I would prefer more restrictions than less, I feel like it‘s hurting the game. If you just go dps wise *every* class runs decoy+gsw+war cry. With more restrictions or more penaltys for using the skills from other classes the meta could be more diverse imo.

    You might wanna check out ESOs system (elder scrolls online): You have 10 slots for your abilities, you level those abilities on use and besides your main skill tree you aren‘t locked to anything. Also every class has a totally free weapon choice. Probably the closest thats out there to your suggested version.
    Last edited: May 20, 2020
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  3. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Eh well I'll probably check it out if it's B2P or F2P, Now gonna get my laptop this month end @_@ but asobimo actually has something close enough to it as well, alchemia story.

    Only that the game is abysmal. I won't focus on the why but I like that you can equip skills with fixed slots. Makes it kind of jobless.
  4. WindSlash

    WindSlash Guardian Angel of Picos Elite Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    There wont be a Toram Sequel. Toram itself is a sequel to another game: Iruna. So this means that a follow-up for Toram is yet another sequel to Iruna. :D

    Anyhoo. I liked how Alchemia Story was first presented before Asobimo released Alpha testing too. but then they ruined it for me when they decided that they want the game to have auto-questing.

    I'm pretty sure there was a mobile sandbox game released 2 years ago that had a "class free" system, but I cant remember what it's called anymore since i got repulsed by the fact that Not only was it not free to play(you buy it from google store for something like $5), but you also need to apply to their subscription service to keep playing it.
  5. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Alchemia actually has the closest thing to 'class-free' as any mmo can get in that you can learn anything and level up any skill without limit though you need to have a certain job active for certain skills. Just that and the fact that mastering a job means nothing makes it really... Tiresome to play. Well and the crappy combat system too but w.e.

    B2P2P makes no sense in an age ruled by F2P. You either do subscription and cater to the minority or just do one time payment. F2P offers subscription for premium mode in some games so P2P is slowly fading out.

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