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Combo starter

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by BoHammer, May 18, 2021.

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  1. BoHammer

    BoHammer Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Hi all,

    Been out for a while since the pandemic started which is more than a year now. And I think so much have changed.
    Can you update me about the changes. Back then the max level is about 210.
    Also what is a quick 1 no combo starter
  2. Alf Advent

    Alf Advent Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    General News
    ill answer the first question, the max lv is now 225 and there have been some new skill tree updates as well as new maps and story quest. for full details of these changes, just do mainquest and you'll find out.

    New Security Update
    Recently theres been a security update similar to pokemon go's, rooted devices and apps which affect gameplay are not allowed to run toram online, this decreased the amount of bots in the game by alot. so commodity prices are now rising again, like 40k for nc etc etc. though the economy is getting better, the game is almost reaching its end as the new map of world of toram is going to be released soon. people are excited for the new anniversary which is supposed to be held on 17th july.

    Ninja Skill Tree
    Recently a new skill tree opened up, the ninja skill tree which gained popularity for its aoes and elemental damage skills. Katanas could benefit from the 2handed passive skill while still holding a ninja scroll. and mages switched to vortex formed by using water release and then kunai. The damage was almost equal to halberd dive impact making it very useful for farming high level mobs without making a different farmer character.

    Well this is all the news i care about
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