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Combo System Explained in Text

Discussion in 'Toram Online Game Guides' started by Kaisyl, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Combo Tags
    Consecutive: Reduces MP cost by combo count. Reduces damage by combo count.

    MP Cost reduction = 1 * nth consecutive skill from start.
    Damage Reduction = 10% * nth consecutive skill from start

    Because of the damage reduction, no one would tag a damage dealing skill with this tag.
    What is not generally observed is that this skill can make your 70% Damage skill deal more damage than a 150% skill my virtue of correct skill placement.

    Example Combos:
    a) Smash > Combination (Swift) > Impact (Consec) > Rush (Consec)
    MP Cost: 1
    Rush Damage % = 70
    Proration: Positive Damage Effect

    What you have here is a combo which deals 70% Rush damage and can be spammed indefinitely VS this combo:

    b) Impact > Rush (Smite) > Finale (Smite)
    MP Cost: 4
    Rush Damage % = 150
    Proration: Positive Damage Effect

    The damage difference is in benefit of combo (b) with a 2.1x Multiplier advantage per cast but on a 20 MP character, combo (b) is useful only 5 times whilst combo (a) is useful 20 times.

    a) 20 * 70 = 1400%
    b) 5 * 150 = 750%

    Consecutive tag damage combos have a serious disadvantage when it comes to the weaken ailment which raises MP cost of all skills by 1. This can cause your consecutive damage combo to basically eat all your MP.

    Consecutive combo tags are useful for skills with short animation time such as blade, martial, shot and dual sword.

    Smite: Boost the skill damage by 50%, reduce following skill damage by 50%.

    This is self explanatory. Usually used to get extreme damage bonus on already high damage skills.
    Best used for skills with high damage: Blade, Shot, Magic, Dual Sword, Crusher, Halberd.

    Basically, almost all skill trees have need for the smite tag in some way or the other and it is useful for offsetting the damage reduction caused by the save tag.

    Save: Takes the MP Cost of a skill and save it as reserve MP, reduce damage of skill by 80% and consecutive skills by 60%, 40% and 20%.

    NOTE: The reserved MP must be used before the combo ends.

    a)Magic Arrows > Meteor Strike (Save)[RESERVE MP = 3] > Magic Lances (Mind) [COST: -RESERVE MP = 0]

    Reserve MP Remaining = 0
    MP Cost: 1

    You cannot append two save tags, they are not additive. Reserve MP is set to the save MP cost.

    Mind: Stops the skill if the enemy has resistance to it.

    Self explanatory but very commonly over looked in favor of smite Finale as a combo ender, which is understandable.

    example combo:
    Magic Arrows > Meteor Strike (Save) > Magic Lances (Mind)

    MP Cost: 1
    If the enemy has immunity to Stop (Even if it came from binding strike of the knight tree or earth bind of the martial tree), the combo stops at magic lances and shows you how long the resistance timer is.
    You do not incur the penalty of the save tag if the combo stops due to the mind tag.

    Drawbacks: Currently, only applies to ailments against enemies and not for buffs. Only the stun, stop & (dazzle)? ailments has a duration and reliability long enough for this tag to show effectiveness. If this skill applied to buffs as well, it would be more widely used and recommended. It does show higher effectiveness on high difficulty bosses where ailment time is extended however.

    Tenacity: Can use skills with MP even if MP is empty.
    This tag suffers similarly to the mind tag in that not enough skills are available to truly apply it in as well as it still uses MP rather than HP making the tag useless until you have very low or no MP. This means that unlike everyone else who builds for 2k MP, you're doing the opposite, trying to maintain at least one MP only for skill execution.

    You will need to use this tag with the save tag for effective use and it is useful for dark builds where low HP is required or halberd skills which use war cry of struggle for a quick MP regen.

    eg combo (3 MP build)
    Flash Stab > Dive Impact (Tenacity)> Dark Stinger (Save) > Impact (Consec) > Demon Claw (Smite) > Backstep (Consec)

    Reduces HP and deals AoE Dark Damage. Very risky due to length and HP reduction.

    Swift: Boost skill motion speed by 50%
    Very useful for skills with low motion speed or you can tag skills with this for fast execution. Not recommended to use after motion speed boosting skills such as Trigger Blade and Rush as those skills already boost motion speed.

    Counters the freeze ailment and as such, it would help to always have a combo with a swift tag in the event you are not able recover from the ailment quickly.

    That should be it for combo tags as of now.

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2020
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  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    the combo system is also planned for overhaul, so if you want there is always a reason to hold something off :p
    even so, the changes have not happened yet; and if you are familiar with the topic, making adjustments after updates is easier than beginning from scratch.
    i support your effort, especially since i dropped my own guide out of laziness.
    the tips on combo tags are good, keep it up:bloodtrail:
  3. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Saves the time from watching the videos (5 min+) about combo tags n all @.@; )
    Very useful!
  4. Insane23

    Insane23 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2019
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    Isn't your consective example kinda mislealeading? Proration for 20 hits in row will be way worse than just 5, not to mention first combo is faster than second, so dps wise, it's better use first combo.
    Yeah, solving proration problem is simple: Just basic attack between each cast, but in this case we'll probably have enough ampr to cast a 400 mp combo at a fair rate as well.
  5. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Combination prorates neutrally, Impact is Magical. The damage of Rush is boosted in this instance for every use of the combo, especially so with normal attacks in between.
  6. Insane23

    Insane23 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2019
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    This isn't necessarily true since each monster has its own proration rate, but I see your point. In this case, instead smash as opener, it would be better using something such reflex or ad-lib to minimise negative proration for main damaging skill. It would actually be good if you could make a short comparison video about this.
  7. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Well for one, it was just an example and the other, it's just an explanation of how you can use consecutive tag to deal damage rather than just relying on smite tag. Doing a video on all possible skill combinations of martial skills would take me hours given that how I use mind tag and I need to get a 'proper' knuckles after basically breaking my last one.
  8. Roxa

    Roxa Active Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    rox ae
    I've never seen 1hs sub arrow, md, or dagger . . .

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