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Come Back Again!

Discussion in 'New Member Introduction' started by Kruzt, Aug 23, 2020.

  1. Kruzt

    Kruzt New Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    Hi everyone, I try to play more frequently again after so long from my retirement. Been playing 2 weeks now, trying to catch up. But because all my Guild mates are gone now, and It's really hard to leveling solo and farming boss xtal because my main character is full VIT Tank. I try to find Active Guild who have many High level Character. Please let me know if you have Guild like that, Thank you Very Much.

    This is my Char, say hi if you meet me in game :D

    RIP for my fallen comrades

    P.S. : This is my first Thread in this forum so i'm sorry if you see something not right in this thread and pls let me know.

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