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Critical Damage%

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by DemiusBloodsworn, Mar 13, 2021.

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  1. DemiusBloodsworn

    DemiusBloodsworn Member

    Jul 15, 2020
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    What is the difference between cd8%, cd9%, and cd10% if my str is 250(bow)? and if my str is my main stat(hb/2h)?
    Also, what is the worst outcome if a gamble stat on armor with an 87% success rate fails? Planning to stat my crafted adv garbs with dte but I only have 6 of them so can't risk it that much.

    Here's the formula I will use in case it is needed.

    Armor - Potential: 46
    #1. Critical Damage % +4 (6pot)
    #2. Critical Damage +1 (3pot)
    #3. Critical Rate +1 (2pot)
    #4. MATK % -11 Magic Pierce % -5 Accuracy -12 Accuracy % -5 (464pot)
    #5. Critical Rate +1 (x19) (445pot)
    #6. Critical Damage % +4 Critical Damage +19 % stronger against Fire +20 (-104pot)
    Success Rate: 100%

    With cd9%, the success rate will become 96% and 87% with cd10%.

    Thanks for the answer/s!
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    cd% multiplies the critical damage multiplier, which is "(150+(STR/5))/100".
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