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Crt rate and Crt rate percent

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Stray_Love, Sep 20, 2019.

  1. Stray_Love

    Stray_Love Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Utopia, Desstra,
    How much crt rate point is actually in crt rate percent? I was curious thinking on that today and thought to see if anyone might get what I mean. Lol.
  2. Quit toram

    Quit toram Left. Elite Member

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Crit% usually means a certain % of your base crit. If you have no points put into CRT, your base crit is 25. Every 3.4 points in CRT adds 1 flat crit to your base.
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  3. Komibii

    Komibii [TITLE] Elite Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    The crit% stat increases your crit rate based on your base crit rate (the crit rate you get by default and from the stats menu only) Your base crit rate is 25, and you get 0.29411764705 crit rate from every point of CRT (+75 crit in total if you have 255 CRT). If you have no points in CRT, equipping something that increases your crit rate by 100% would increase your crit rate by 25. If you had 34 points put into CRT (+10 crit rate), equipping something that increases your crit rate by 100% would increase your crit rate by 35.
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