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Crusher Skills Tree Info

Discussion in 'Toram Online Game Guides' started by Komibii, Jun 27, 2020.

  1. Komibii

    Komibii [TITLE] Elite Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Do keep in mind that all of this information was gathered through in-game testing, so there is a chance some of this information will be inaccurate. There were also some things that were too hard to test, so I didn't include that information, but I may try to find those parts later. If you have any conflicting information, let me know and I will look into it and see if I need to make any corrections.
    *These were only tested at level 10 (with a few exceptions)
    *Levels unlocked at: 50 > 90 > 170

    Forefist Punch:
    -Weapons required: knuckle (main)
    -MP Cost: 300
    -Skill type: physical
    -Cast range: 2m
    -Constant: 200 (levels 5 and 10)
    -Multiplier: 3 (level 5), 4 (level 10)
    -This skill will always land critical hits.
    !-While in this skill’s animation, you will receive a buff that reduces the damage you take from one hit by an unknown amount. (The effect seems to be based on your maximum hp and possible your current hp, and it also tends to be be more effective on weaker attacks.)

    Goliath Punch:
    -Weapons required: knuckle (main)
    -MP Cost: 500 (initial cast) / 0 (attack cast)
    -Skill type: physical
    -Cast range: 2m
    -AoE radius: 0.5 + 0.5 * stacks (This is likely not accurate; AoE radiuses can be hard to test, but it should be close)
    -Constant: 500
    -Multiplier: 8 + 4 * stacks (maximum of 5 stacks)
    -After the initial cast, this skill will gain 1 stack every second. Once fully stacked, the 5 stacks will last for 6 seconds. At the end of the 6 seconds, you will lose a stack and lose another every 3 seconds, but the skill will stop losing stacks at 1 stack. If you are under the effects of flinch, tumble, stun, or knockback, your ability to gain stacks will be paused for the duration. (test for other ailments)

    God Hand:
    -Weapons required: knuckle (main)
    -MP cost: 400
    -Skill type: physical
    -Cast range: 2m
    -Constant: 400
    -Multiplier: 10
    -During this skill’s animation, you will receive a buff that reduces the damage you take from physical and magical attacks by 90%. This buff will not reduce the damage you take from fractional attacks. When you successfully reduce the damage of an attack with this buff, you will gain a stack of a different buff that increases the damage of the next damage-dealing crusher skill you use by a certain multiplier per stack (maximum of 3 stacks. goliath gets +6/stack, but that was tested with a 5/5 goliath, and idk if the number of stacks affects the multiplier gain. I haven't tested how this affects other skills, but the damage increase for all of them does seem to be around 25%.), however, this buff will not affect god hand itself. Because you need to reduce the damage you take to gain a stack, you will not gain a stack if you dodge the attack you are trying to block. Even if you get interrupted during this skill’s animation (flinch, tumble, stun, knockback), you will still gain a stack since you reduced the damage of that attack, but the skill itself won’t do any damage.

    -Weapons required: knuckle
    -MP cost: 300
    -Skill type: self-buffer
    -Cast range: none
    -Upon using this skill, you will heal yourself for (skill level * 1)% of your maximum hp, and the next time you use any skill, you will heal yourself (skill level * 0.5)% of your maximum hp. After using breathwork, the healing you receive will be divided by 100 for the next 30 seconds. Using breathwork repeatedly will restart the duration.

    Floating Kick:
    -Weapons required: knuckle
    -MP cost: 200
    -Skill type: physical
    -Cast range: 7m
    -Constant: 110 (level 1) 200 (level 10)
    -Multiplier: 5.2 (level 1) 7 (level 10)
    -If your character has nothing that boosts their critical damage, this skill’s critical damage will be equal to 200. If you do increase your critical damage in any way, this skills critical damage will be replaced by your critical damage.
    -If used while moving (or while holding the movement pad during a combo), you will leap into that direction and slide back to your target. If the skill is used this way, it will not miss/graze.

    -Weapons required: knuckle (main)
    -MP cost: 0
    -Skill type: normal attack
    -Cast range: 2m
    -Constant: 0
    -Multiplier: 1.5 (level 5), 3 (level 10) (damage is divided into 3 hits, the first two do 25% of the damage, and the third does 50% of the damage.)
    -Has +(skill level^2) critical rate
    -Cannot be used as the first skill in a combo

    -Weapons required: knuckle
    -MP cost: 600
    -Skill type: self-buffer
    -Cast range: none
    -Increases breathwork’s HP restoration by 10% of your maximum hp for the first heal, and 5% of your maximum hp for the second heal.
    -At level 10, the next skill used after breathwork will have its cost halved, then rounded up (exactly like impact).
    -Activating the skill as a self-buffer does nothing for knuckle sub builds.
    -Effects with knuckles as a main weapon:
    -Weapon ATK will increase by 50% (refinement value is included)
    -Stability will be reduced by 10%
    -Ailment infliction rate for all skills will be reduced, but it is unknown what that amount is. It is possible that it affects different ailments by different amounts, but it seems to half your chance to inflict all ailments.
    -Cannot be used in a combo
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
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  2. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Awesome stuff
    • Friendly Friendly x 1

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