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Death Reaper Guaranteed Critical?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Side Character, Aug 14, 2021.

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  1. Side Character

    Side Character Member

    Jul 29, 2021
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    Is it true that Death Reaper is guaranteed to deal critical damage if the target is inflicted by [Fear]?

    If a party member inflicted [Fear] to enemy then I casted SH, would my Death Reaper still be 100% critical?
    I noticed this a few times now against Pyxtica (Last Phase), or maybe it's just a coincidence.

    If these are true, it's great that Javelin with Dark Element and Chariot can inflict fear, a great combination for knuckle and/or magic classes especially sub MD (with proper proration when executed).
  2. Zexxen

    Zexxen Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2018
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    Yep, it's true that Death Reaper will be 100% critical if the target is under the fear ailment. If you use ohs/DW/knux you can easily inflict the fear ailment by yourself coz it has no fear chance penalty, unlike the other weapons. This is also why DW Soul Hunter is quite popular in Ex Arena, 100% fear, no need the large ass radius like 2hs/HB/Bow/Bowgun, and can easily not relying on gsw to have a high motion Death Reaper
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  3. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I'm pretty sure that IF Death reaper itself gives the fear ailment, then it will be guaranteed critical.
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  4. Side Character

    Side Character Member

    Jul 29, 2021
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    I tried it myself against Ornlarf (Hard) without wearing any +Critical Rate equips, and Devil Circlet (Monster drop) -30 Critical Rate.
    My normal attacks either miss, hit (white), or graze (white). I used Magic:Javelin with Dark Element staff (Seadevil Staff). Whenever it inflicted [Fear], I immediately cast Soul Hunt (Manually, no combo) and made sure it doesn't show any "Resist: 4sec" or something like that. If it does, I didn't include it in the count.

    The result is 100% of the time (tried in total of 20 times), Death Reaper dealt Critical damage on both of its hits even with Magic:Javelin inflicting the [Fear] ailment except when evaded by "Evasion" of the boss.

    I hope it does the same on other Fear-inflicting skills like Chariot.

    There might be a room for error, though. I ate Critical Rate+26 food buff and the character I used has a Lv10 Critical Up.
  5. Momoeater

    Momoeater Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2021
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    Expect a dmg nerf if soul hunter itself gave fear ailment for self skill critical.
    But lol why fear in soul hunter for critical.
    Just directly give 100% critical rate to that skill.
    Or better off 50% fear chance.
    That's the best that can happen.
    Don't expect a skill to be all powerful, there will always be penalty of some kind, for balance.
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