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Difference between Reset Stats and Reset Personal Stats? help me

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Ira Hanzo, Mar 29, 2022.

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  1. Ira Hanzo

    Ira Hanzo New Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    So uhh recently I reached lv200, right? I firstly didn't know that I have to spend 500 points to make the stat limit extended. I'm using Bowgun (DPS) and then uhh...

    I f up. I seriously messed up...

    Instead of going the remaining to all the remaining 247 points to STR, I instead put it all in CRT (and that is a personal stat).

    Now I've been thinking of resetting stats, like getting all the points back.

    and then I'm questioning...
    Does Reset books could retrieve all skill points that spent including the personal stats (but couldn't switch the personal stat) or not? That's what I've been questioning.

    Some say that reset book won't retrieve skill points spent on Personal stats, some say that it will retrieve the points from it. That makes me more contemplating my life choices.

    So please, help me :notlikethis:
  2. Arv

    Arv Active Member

    May 15, 2018
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    I think it does retrieve the spent stats points including personal stats?

    In the past I had AGI CRT knuckle and decided to reset it, however I didn't remember if I reset using reset books or was it from free reset event. Tell us your finding if you decided to use the reset books please.
  3. Momoeater

    Momoeater Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2021
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    Mirror of reflection resets your personal stats, and allows you to reselect personal stats, it also resets the stats points you have spent on personal stats.

    And reset book gives back all stats points, even the stats points spent on personal stats.
    If it didn't reset stats of personal stats, it would be written on reset book.
    It doesn't say any such things.
    It just says resets all distributed stats points.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
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