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Does awakened element stackable?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by AL Fathin, Aug 23, 2022.

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  1. AL Fathin

    AL Fathin Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Bow and dual sword can get ele from sub weapon/arrow, that mean they can get 25% DTE if using the correct 1H sword/arrow. Does that stat stackable if main weapon have awakened element too?
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    you can stack "damage to element %" but not plain elements.

    using a fire bow with a fire arrow has the same effect as a fire bow with a neutral arrow or a neutral bow with a fire arrow.

    dual swords have separate damage calculations for attacks with the main and sub sword. using 2 fire swords will make all hits deal fire damage, but the effect does not increase.

    dual element skills (fixed skill element + weapon element) take the sub weapon's element. if it's the same as the skill element (moeba shot with water arrow) the weapon element is ignored.
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  3. FrostHydra97

    FrostHydra97 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2020
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    To be more clear about dual swords:
    • Their auto attacks calculate the damage of main hand sword & subhand sword separately. You may not notice this, but unlike the multiple hits of other weapon's auto attacks, the multiple hits of dual swords auto attacks are actually separated to main hand hits & subhand hits. The main hand hits use the main ATK & element of the main hand sword, while the subhand hits use the subATK stat & element of the subhand sword, thus usually result in the hits dealing noticeably different damage from each other even when you have 100% stability (normally auto attacks that deal multiple hit will have its total damage divided equally to every hits of each attack). And as said, since the hit of each hand will only use the element of the sword on that hand, said element bonus will also only be applied to said hits.
    • Their skills, on the other hand, combines both main ATK & subATK, along with another stat called "sub Stability", together into one single value, and use that for the whole skill damage calculation. There is no separate calculation like with auto attack, and element bonus is - as a result - only applied once for the whole damage calculation. All ds skills have "dual element" attribute (gains extra element from subhand sword - and also main hand sword if the skill doesn't have a default element - and choose the better element between the two for damage calculation), meaning they choose "either one of the two", not "both". Just imagine it as you combine the 2 swords together and attack like having just one single sword.
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  4. AL Fathin

    AL Fathin Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    I see now, thank you very much for this information. Now i know why bow/bowgun didnt have element stat but have dte, even though with the same pot we can get more dte% from awakened element.
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