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Does Bs Crafter need high prof to Stat +20 on equipments?

Discussion in 'Toram Online Game Guides' started by ItzCeyzon, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. ItzCeyzon

    ItzCeyzon New Member

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Does Bs Crafter need high prof to Stat +20 on equipments?

    I watch a several videos on YouTube Toram but most of the videos does not mention about how how to stat +20 in bs statter, idk, I don't have any single clue about bs crafter, but do you need
    A hight level of proficiency to stat like 20cd+20cd% just like that?
    Thx if someone answer me
  2. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Proficiency ;
    • ls like difficulty...in simple terms..
    • Higher it is, the more benefit you have.
    • Also helps reduce amount of materials required.
    • Not needed to stat..mostly (only above point applies as to why it is needed)

    To stat equips, you need level (and skill from bs skill tree)
    That is attained every 10th level, eg;
    At 100 = + 10
    At 150 = + 15
    At 200 = + 20
    At 210 = + 21

    Note :
    • Stating needs mats, mats must be more than required amount (or equal) otherwise the stat will not be applied.
    • stats such as Cd, cd%, crit, crit%, aggro%, ele, dte% and etc, need mana; a mat which is..kinda hard to get compared to other mats (unless you got lots of spina to spare)
    • To stat equip, you need pot on equips, success rate and what stats can be added depend on pot, higher pot = more success rate + more stats (in value).

    For more info, look into blacksmith guides around forum, while outdated, the basics are still helpful.

    ...and l suggest learning bout BS and everything related to it cuz otherwise you'll mess up..as l can deduce from your questions (no offense).

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