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Drop rate question

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Holosmith, Sep 27, 2020.

  1. Holosmith

    Holosmith Member

    Sep 27, 2020
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    Helll guys
    I wanna ask about drop rate
    So, if i just want to farm material from monsters, i dont need any equipments and xtal, just the mats only
    Example is lavarca drop table here:
    Do i need LUK or not?
    Will adding LUK will cause more equips and xtal dropped thus making it more hard to farm if i only want the materials?
    Anyone here could share some info regarding this?
    Thank you
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    there is no limit on the number of drops per kill. in theory you could get everything on the list at once.
    each item drops at a specific probability. drop rate boosting effects raise the drop rate of all items, you cannot make a single item more common and decrease the chances of getting other items.

    in most cases, the base drop rates of regular items is 50/25/5%, with rare items (crysta and gear) being 5% and less.
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