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Error Code: 06(IDK) | 12

Discussion in 'Toram Online In Game Issues / Device Support' started by Reyonn, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. Reyonn

    Reyonn Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2017
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    So, hi guys. I'm just going to share a bad(DUMB) experience regarding accounts in the game.

    It all started with a bad mistake(well, duh).

    I was in the middle of changing accounts and such because I planned on using my alternate account. So I decided to go on |Settings| --> |Account| and then logged out. Of course everything went well. After that, |Transfer data of a character and play|, then |Login|, so as I was writing the other email/password, my DUMB ASS didn't realize it was putting an old account, which probably does not exist anymore and by chance I was putting the wrong password, thus, the appearance of error 12(pretty much nothing wrong here except my DUMB ASS), so I re-logged back to my original account(which was logged in first before switching). It went well, and my DUMB ASS was confused,"why is the other account not working?" , and then, (WARNING: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME) I switched again and tried the same email and password A LOT(without realizing I'm putting the wrong email/pass combination, stupid me).

    After that, I gave up. I went back to my original account. BUT for some reason, even my account won't log in. I even tried some accounts I knew (my sister's) to check if something's off. Alas, even her account won't open. So I decided to open my account on another phone (In case my phone was the problem). My alt account was logged in there. Here's what happened, error code: 6 appeared, of course, press "ok" and the popup where it wants me to re-type the email and password needed to open that account. I didn't do anything and closed the app. I opened my laptop to check my main account there which is logged in case my phone is charging or phone/login problems (such as this) might happen to save my account. But this time, there's no saving, even with Nox, error code: 06 still appeared just like in any other phones I tried. After that we decided not to open Toram for a while.

    Shinjumiro from this thread: https://toramonline.com/index.php?threads/code-035-012.51278/#post-525346 advised that "let it be for a while, it will fix itself later" or something like that. After a few hours, I checked again. From his case, he tried after a day (safest way imo) and it worked. Luckily in my case, It was "fixed" after that few hours of waiting. My alt account on the other phone also logged in successfully, also tried other devices minutes later and all of them worked normally(as all things should be). So my DUMB ASS tried switching accounts on my phone again(Yes, I didn't wait any longer to "rest" the app and went daredevil). But this time, with the CORRECT email and password. It successfully switched. BANZAI!

    Please read the whole thing for clarity. :confused:
    (also, for the ppl who don't have the whole time in the world:))
    TL;DR : I tried putting the wrong alt email and pass many times and gave up (If u wanna know why, read above). So I re-logged my original account and won't work. Then I tried other devices with accounts logged in and all of them had error code: 6 and wanted me to re-log the accounts and ofc, they won't log in. After a few hours, I tried again and successfully logged in, even on the other devices and their accounts.

    A list of the error codes I encountered during the problem I made(Luckily, only 2):
    Error Code: 06

    - I'm not really sure how it works or appear. But in my case, it appeared after 'producing' the bug/glitch or whatever the thing I dumbass-ly did. IIRC, it states something like "failed to login" and redirects you to the popup where you put the email and pass to re-log in.

    Error Code: 12
    - Occurs when the email and the password does not match. Some threads said that putting your info is CASE SENSITIVE, so if you're having this problem, recheck your e-mail and password for typographical errors.

    (Also, another bad on my part, I forgot to take screenshots because it felt outrageous at that time(heh, reasons), I'll take some if that happens (I HOPE NOT BEFORE I GO BALLISTIC) again.

    I'm not really sure what's the trigger so I'm going to share this information if someone encounters the same problem. For the solution;
    It's just that sometimes, waiting is the right decision for a good outcome.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. A1dren

    A1dren Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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    not even once happen to me but yea gud to know, thnx ._.b

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