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Farmer build: Burst Angel

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Zezusa, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. Zezusa

    Zezusa Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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    Welcome to my potato build, some may like it others may love it, it’s somewhat incomplete but however it’s at a stage where it’s worth showcasing to the toram community to inspire similar or same builds or as a guide for anyone crazy enough to do one like this xd.

    1)This build is magic based meaning it has perfect win so unlike halb farmer builds there is no chance of evasion meaning you’re more likely to wipe out mobs within the first hit

    2)The kill rate is fast meaning you can farm materials faster than for example storm and blizzard spam

    3)The range is wide and long so you can farm easily even in locations where mobs are scattered about

    4)This farming build has two modes of farming meaning it’s versatile and can farm in varying map locations with ease

    5)This build can easily solo farm so with no party or a handicapped party it proves to be no problem for you to wipe out the mobs

    6) This isn’t an expensive build you don’t need high quality refine or 2s equips to be able to be effective

    No build is perfect so don’t expect it from this either so here are a few I can recall on the top of my head...

    1)The farm build must be of a high level to have enough skill points and stat points to achieve what I am doing with ease right now

    2)Although the equips are not expensive being that they are event drops mostly, this means that anyone attempting this must have either acquired these equips already or will have to wait for the individual events to get these equips

    3)The play style is odd at first and very risky, using gsw makes the farming easier but it makes it easy for you to be killed with one hit, which is a problem if you’re in an enclosed area and your pt members can’t kill their mobs fast enough.

    Dex 252
    Int (none atm but as I gain levels the rest of my stat points will be invested here for more damage)

    Moonlight sword ( Easter event)
    Magic Device ( any one will do and refine doesn’t matter unless you’re using resonance)
    Mage cape( npc craft ,15 restless soul, 30 blank hair,60 coarse fur,310 mana, 625 spina
    Devil garb ( Halloween event)
    Seashell Choco talisman ( valentines event)

    Chocolate ooze II
    Motto Machina ( upgraded from demons gate)

    Sword Mastery lv10
    Shot mastery lv10 (lv 5 currently but will cap when sp is available)
    Cross Fire lv10
    Finale lv 10
    Storm lv 10
    Magic burst lv10
    Magic mastery lv10
    Mp charge lv10
    Maximizer lv10
    God speed wield lv 10
    Light armor lv10
    Advanced evasion lv10
    Magic warrior mastery lv10
    Conversion lv10
    Exp gain uplv10
    Drop rate up lv10
    Brave aura lv10
    High cycle lv10
    Process materials lv10
    Refine equipment lv1

    Here are some short vids of my setup and farming applications

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  2. Zezusa

    Zezusa Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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  3. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne New Member

    Feb 27, 2021
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    This build look fun.

    But it cost tons of sp for a farmer xD

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