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Farming Spina

Discussion in 'Toram Online Class Discussions' started by VanillaPudding, Nov 24, 2021.

  1. VanillaPudding

    VanillaPudding New Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    im new to toram and was wondering what class should i go if i want to make a farming character to farm spina with?
  2. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Mage(regular/ninja)/Halberd farmers for material farming(regular monsters).

    DPS builds for boss farming.
  3. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    (since this game has no predefined class system, i'm using the mathematical definition of classes.)

    i'd suggest something of the spellcaster class.
    they have abilities that recharge mp without attacking and the majority of magic attack skills can hit multiple targets.

    there are also some physical attacks that hit multiple targets, so you could build one with almost any weapon type.
    the important part is the ability to recover mp quickly and reliable.
    MDs are most effective at this.

    two-handed weapons (other than MD) are used in the pseudo-spellcaster class.
    their mp recovery methods are less reliable than those of the spellcaster class, but they can deal more damage in exchange.

    builds of other classes must recover mp by attacking, which is too slow for hunting small monsters but can be beneficial for hunting boss monsters.
  4. +Aria Kanzaki+

    +Aria Kanzaki+ Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    I've said this dozens of times already, but my suggestion for you would be to make a luk halberd farmer using dive impact as farming skill, you can find good guides on how to make it on youtube, just search "low budget luk hb" and find the build you can afford, I remember seeing a video about luk halberd build using only npc blacksmith equipment and costing less than 50k spina, if you're a newbie with no spina then that's your best option.

    I've been playing Toram for around 4 years, but if I suddenly lost my account and was forced to start over again with a new account, the first thing I would do would be to make a luk halberd farmer, because it's the cheapest and most practical farmer that can also farm high level mob monsters without needing expensive equipment. After you finished making a luk hb farmer and levelling it to lv 130+ you can then farm either the popular materials farming spot like ivy for wood, bubble angel, etc. or less well known high level mobs for more profit, depending on your skill at researching prices on consignment board you can potentially earn 300k spina to 1m spina per hour of farming, if you can find a guild to help guide you on the best mobs to farm that will also help, good luck!
  5. AnnXYZ

    AnnXYZ Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2020
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    Ahem, allow me.

    Since you are new to the game, for farming spina I absolutely recommend the spellcaster. Why? Well, several factors actually.

    + Magic never miss (Technically they can, if the enemy moves fast enough to get out of your AoE. But regular mobs rarely able to move that quick). You wouldn't want your attack to randomly evaded when you are farming, it would be less effective.

    + Blizzard from Wizard skill tree have 3rd largest AoE, costs 1MP only, and is readily available for newbies.Terribly effective for low level mobs such as Beak in Ruined Town Temple. At a little bit higher level, you will unlock Magic : Storm, which have smaller AoE, but stronger damage. At even more higher level, you will unlock Magic : Finale, skill with widest AoE, good damage, but long casting time and high MP cost, quite effective for area with low mob density.

    + Have the least penalty to damage for increasing LUK stat to the max. As you know, LUK gave you increased drop rate. Hence, it is absolutely necessary since it increases your efficiency greatly when you are farming mobs, especially for a long time. Other stats other than INT didn't really have signifficant effect on mage, hence it wouldn't pose any problem even if you maxed out your LUK. (Although I said it didn't have signifficant effect, 255 stat losing on solely on LUK would hurt even mage. Though, for farming mobs, crit damage, cspd, aspd, HP, and crit rate is seriously not dependable for mage.)

    + Strongest with dirt cheap equipment. Other needs some kind of rather good equips that's not easily obtainable by newbie (unless someone is kind enough to help you get it) to be effective at mob farming.

    + MP charge efficiency. Although your skill only costs 1MP, sooner or later you will need to recharge back your MP. MP charge (at higher level, combined with maximizer) provides you with a stable source of MP.

    +Stable damage. Due to how magic stability calculated differently, even at higher level magic damage has the most stable damage after the bow. You wouldn't want your damage to fluctuate between 2K damage per hit to 6K per hit.

    But nothing is perfect. Spellcasters do also have their own drawback.

    - Crappy damage. Magic damage couldn't deal crits unless you take Spell Burst from Battle skill tree. No crit, no big damage. That makes them unreliable to kill mob with medium(20K+)-high (100K+) HP. (Although Magic : Finale would be effective with low mob density and can deal more than 100K damage, at places with high mob density such as Dark Dragon Shrine (Ivy) other would be more effective. Though you still can use your spell caster character with ninja skill, but you will lose the advantage (and effectively, the disadvantage) of magic damage.)

    - Terrible late game scaling. As I said before, magic damage couldn't deal crits unless you take Spell Burst from Battle skill tree. Even if you take it, you need 400 crit to always deal critical damage. You will need to sacrifice a lot of stat to reach that sweet crit, or you need to be crazy rich to deal high damage even with 100% magic crit. With every other "class" dealing crit damage, even knuckle will out-damage spell caster without crit.

    - Terrible at bossing. Magic : Finale would be hard to use on bosses that move (Remember how I said magic could be evaded by moving out of your AoE quickly? Yeah that). And most of them moves. Sadly, other magic skills wouldn't be as effective.

    So yeah, there you have it.
  6. AnnXYZ

    AnnXYZ Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2020
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    If you are dissatisfied with spellcasters, then I recommend to build STR-LUK. Farm mobs with Halb, farm boss with 2HS. Dive Impact from Halberd skill tree is just as effective as Magic : Storm, but it's physical version. You can even kill mobs with 200K+ HP with Soul Hunt (though you will need some spina to buy this skill book).

    As to why farm boss with 2HS, 2HS have as little penalty as Mage from increasing LUK stat. Throw in some DTE equipment, and no one will ever suspect you are a LUK char ;P

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