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Finstern Crit Mage Build

Discussion in 'Mage' started by redsmite, Dec 30, 2020.

  1. redsmite

    redsmite Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2020
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    Hello I just wanna share my crit mage build that works wonders at Finstern. The idea behind this build is that when Finstern got interrupted during the second phase, all magic attacks like Finale would autocrit so I tried to focus all of my attacks on that second phase. Also finale got a range bonus so I use lrd and I prefer lrd over srd because I feel a lot safer with it and there are a lot of xtals that includes both matk and lrd.

    Note: this build only works on finstern.

    Stats Distribution: Int > Str
    I go STR for more crit damage.


    5th Anniv Staff+S (Lil Wonder Rat+ Armasite)
    Staff Stats: +11%matk, +10%int, +20%damage to dark, +20 critical damage
    Lil Wonder Rat: +6% matk, +4% lrd, +4% unsheathe damage, -20% aggro
    Armasite: +5%matk, +20% m.pierce, -20%cspd

    Stats only include pure matk int and crit damage and no crit rate. Crit rate not needed because crit is always guaranteed when finstern got interrupted.
    Lil wonder Rat I believe is the best mage weapon xtal, the combination of lrd and matk is just too good. Armasite for massive m.pierce stat.

    Subweapon: Any +S Magic Device / Odd-Shape Knife
    Magic Device only for resonance
    Odd-Shape Knife: +3 dmg, +3% crit dmg - I believe this dagger is better than Sealing Talisman because +3% matk doesn't do that much.

    Armor: Adventurer Garb (Yule Cat+Iron Empress)
    Armor Stats: +7%matk, +20% damage to dark, +20 critical damage
    Yule Cat: +7%matk, +3%int, +35%cspd, +10%ampr
    Iron Empress: +5%matk, +10% m.pierce, +20%cspd, +20%maxhp, +10% p. resist, -300maxmp

    The combination of Iron Empress and Yule Cat is best for pure damage although you can swap iron empress to Evil Shadow for more mp.

    Additional Gear: Devil Hood (Underwater Ruins Monster + Narumi Hina)
    Devil Hood: +5% matk, +7% Stability, +6% Magic Pierce, +8%Aggro
    Underwater Ruins Monster: +8%matk, +8 crit damage, +1000 maxhp
    Narumi Hina: 4% matk, +3% lrd, +20% cspd, -10% aggro

    I'm not sure which add is best for this build but I believe Magical Stole is better I just don't have many spina to swap hat. Underwater Ruins monster stats just too good in this build because crit damage is always guaranteed. Narumi Hina for more lrd and bonus matk although im not sure if its better than baphomela but Hina got more upsides.

    Special Gear: Dark Talisman Magic (Venena II + Scrader)
    Dark Talisman Magic: +3%matk, +300 maxmp, +900maxhp, +3%anticipate
    Venena II: +600maxmp, +2%matk, +3%stability, +2%atk
    Scrader: +3%matk, +2%lrd, +300maxhp, -20% p. resist

    Venena II just for more mp. I believe Scrader is better than tuscog damage wise and -100maxmp on tuscog always hurt so I switch to scrader.

    Skill Build:

    Magic Mastery -
    +3%matk, +30%weapon atk
    Magic: Impact - half the mana cost of next skill, lvl 7 for insta cast
    Magic: Finale - - main dps skill
    Magic: Burst - secondary dps skill, use for bosses with little hp.
    MP charge and Maximizer - both needed to replenish mana

    Long Range Mastery - +10% bonus damage to finale and burst
    Quick Draw - sometimes useful but not necessary to have

    God Speed Wield- finale casting animation is just toooooo slow it's like gsw is like a must and also you don't need to worry about the downside because finstern can't touch you behind the wall.

    Brave Aura - to boost your party damage by 20%
    Quick Motion - combine with gsw you can easily get 50% motion speed but not necessary to have

    Magic Warrior Mastery - just for nice little matk boost
    Resonance - for instant 1k mp good for another finale cast.

    Magic UP, Concentrate, Increased Energy - good little passives that boost your damage
    Spell Burst - a must have, increases your magic crit damage by 0.75
    Critical Up - +5% crit damage

    Mirage Evasion - to dodge attack while using finale, recommend to max out because you're gonna use finale quite a lot.

    MP Boost - im lacking mp so i use this.

    Ad-Lib - my combo opener for mp charge combo ( ad lib - mp charge - maximizer (save) - finale (smite) ) gives 1700 mp instead of 1500 mp from normal combo.

    Backstep - i rarely use this but it's always good to have

    Skills I excluded
    Prayer - I believe this skill is just a waste of sp. It consumes too much time just to cast it and you only get 15% matk which doesn't help much
    Familia - lol wizard skill, you can learn this if you lack mp although I rather have mp boost than this

    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
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