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[Guide]How to build a paladin

Discussion in 'Toram Online Game Guides' started by Kaisyl, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    So many players now are making paladins but for paladins, they die real easy.

    Paladins are knights that use magic. Simple right? Except in toram that's a complete recipe for disaster.

    For a build like this to work, your stat tri-type is STR/DEX/VIT.

    Get CRT from equipment or personal stat. You have to use something which enables knight role, magic and tankiness. Thankfully, paladins are more supportive magic users rather than spell casters so INT can be substituted with DEX for higher ATK, ACC and CSPD (some small amount of MATK too.)

    As of lv210, the minial in all three stats must be 100.
    STR for ATK power focus, VIT for tank focus.

    Weapon = 1 hand sword
    Offhand = Shield
    Armor = Heavy Armor
    Additional = CRT/MP/Resistance focus
    Specual = CRT/MP/Resistance focus

    Paladins wear plate and stand at the forefront which means they are supposed to be able to tank to maximum effect.

    This means that you arent supposed to go into the frontlines with 1 VIT with high agro skills and expect to live.

    You die.

    With your durability and ability to deal damage sorted, next comes the skills. Paladins are knights first and foremost with a dedication to a god for their magic. This means that their own magic power is very lacking and as such, the entire magic skill tree (except for maybe Impact) is off limits. You are not a magic. You do not cast magic. Paladins never cast their own magic. They do however receive blessings and/or have magic based abilities which act independent of their own innate magic power.

    Hence skill treed of focus are: Blade, Shield, Guard, Support, Knight, Halberd.

    Blade: Main weapon skill tree, skills like berserk and rampage do not fit paladins unless you are going for a dark paladin archetype in which case you then need dark power.

    Shield: You need guardian. I dont care hiw you want to justify not taking this skill but as a PALADIN, a sworn holy protector. TAKE THE DAMN SKILL. Also get shield cannon. Guard strike is optional but nice.

    Guard: Mainly for guard passive

    Support: The two skills in the top line, Sanctuary (holy aint it?) And heal. Heal for when shit hits the fan and you need to heal during potion down time. Healing others is for the priest, you just gotta protect them cuz u a paladin.

    Knight: Almost everything including provoke because you wont want thise you are supposed to protect die wont you?

    Halberd: Gotta have some way of beefing your attack right? Say hi to punish ray. Wont buff damage but will buff CRT.

    Anything else you take from here needs to fulfill uour role as a holy knight smiting evil and what not.

    STR/AGI is not and never will be a paladin. Dont do this to the team you're inevitably going to be the death of.


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  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Buster Blade heals yourself and boosts weapon atk. looks like Holy Sword/Divine Smite, much more fitting than Meteor Breaker. (unless you are Escanor)
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  3. mekp

    mekp Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    What is the purpose role for paladin ? to become a tank or to become a dps ? or semi tank ?
    How effective paladin can be ? Are people start to dislike mental tank or pure build tank ?
    And lastly, you wrote "Paladins are knights that use magic". I think its better utilized on what we have right now. Maybe in future magic blade skill (tiers4) might useful for ohs shield type or maybe not >_<
    Hmmm, its better to use common senses and stick close on what you have and keep telling yourself "this is good enough"
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  4. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Didn't we have a thread discussing what a paladin actually is?

    Imo all you need is holy fist to become a paladin
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  5. CrazyRay

    CrazyRay Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    Meanwhile in toram: lfp paladin need tank!
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  6. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    paladins are knights. Knights are front liners.

    The only thing that makes a paladin different is the use of magic which is gifted by their patron god according to most fiction.

    In short, they gotta fight like a knight whilst supplementing 'magic' yet not magic.

    Nah, too many people calling themselves paladins yet building DEX/INT or STR/AGI with no VIT and in some cases claiming to be able to tank.

    Magic warriors from what I understand are users of their own magic abilities from most fiction. They rely on their own magic power whereas a paladin does not.

    This... is sadly very common.
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  7. VangNir

    VangNir Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    Magic yet not magic : enchant sword :v
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  8. Phoenix。

    Phoenix。 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    The only reason paladins exist is because people find a pure tank too boring. But at least noone I know likes to have a paladin as a tank in their party. Their damage is still low compared to a full dps, they have less tools than a full tank and on top of that they don't even fix proration and just keep their own neutral at best. Especially if you want to tank at the high difficulty boss fights people will laugh at you when you appesr with your paladin. I am not saying you won't win the fight, but having a pure tank is better in every aspect.
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  9. +Aria Kanzaki+

    +Aria Kanzaki+ Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    The purpose of paladin(or OHS-shield semi-dps) is, first and foremost, to be tank/aggro holder, dealing damage is the additional benefit. The only real difference between a OHS-shield semi dps tank and a pure tank is the ailment resistance, a semi-dps paladin can also choose to equip pure tank equipment and have the same damage resistance and hp as a pure tank. At lvl 210 cap a semi dps OHS-shield tank can already have enough skill points that a pure tank needs.

    The recent guard and evasion rework decreased the importance of pure ailment resistant tanks because guarding an attack now gives a high chance of resisting the ailment of that attack. Using a non-ailment resistant semi dps tank is completely fine IF you are already familiar with the boss' attacks and mechanics. But there are high difficulty bosses as well as event bosses where they spam annoying ailments so much like fear, knockback, poison, ignite, etc. that tanking those bosses without 100% ailment resistance is very hard and very risky(gespenst hell). But for normal bosses in MQ it's usually fine to use semi dps tanks.

    The advantage of semi-dps tanks is that they can also contribute decent damage if the boss run takes around 3 mins or more. If the boss attack pattern is easy and predictable a semi-dps tank can choose to equip pure dps equipment and do 400k-800k~ damage every 30 seconds or so using shield cannon, and blinding strike with knight's will passive can also deal good damage(I usually do 200k-400k damage with blinding strike on ultimate diff bosses). So if the boss run usually take 2 minutes or more a semi dps paladin can already contribute millions of damage while perfectly tanking at the same time, the only problem with this is if the paladin spams blinding strike on the boss wihtout auto-attacking and ruin proration.
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  10. mekp

    mekp Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    ohhh, i see. So semi tank is called "paladin". A new slang/term, i see ~
    I m a bit outdated person and thank you for detailed explanation Aria ^_^
    So in conclusion, paladin needs more fancy equipment ( ohs with high refine +dps xtal )
    Thank you again, aria :)

    Ehhh, why holy fist ?

    That's toram online for you >_<

    Ehhh, i see. Hmmm, people are sure weird.
  11. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    I miss D.Song's DPS 1h sword+shield build already. Much more exciting than the modern pally. Unfortunately, the latest(yet outdated videos) are nowhere to be found now.
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  12. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Holy fist, cause it literally have "holy" in it.

    What should I call my tank then? I could heal, use magic, have all sort of "holy" stuff with aegis, protection, and guardian but also have "dark" stuff with berserk, war cry and dark skill in sacrifice, and oh, I could also dance with a fan.

    I'm also working on the so called semi-tank, but its really just an off-tank 2handed sword/ohs shield hybrid with Str-dex-vit stat. Meteor break is still the main damage skill and HP is mostly obtained from flat hp gears. With 3 modes, full dps, semi dps and full tank mode. Since 2H only require pure blade skills, I could take some shield and knight skills. 20k-30k hp is achievable
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
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  13. CrazyRay

    CrazyRay Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    Just call them tank or not a tank.
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  14. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Knight mainly and uses magic?: Paladin.

    Really. Thats all it is, with dark skills you might be an 'Oath breaker' paladin.
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  15. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    There's also the dance and the guitar with the use of spirited dance and ad-lib. So maybe a "cultured" paladin?

    Then again appearance wise, that Oath breaker seems fitting
    _20200712_222056.JPG _20200712_222536.JPG
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  16. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Its not unheard of for gods to need certain rituals to use their power so it still fits

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