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Guide to Creating A 2nd Toram Online Account

Discussion in 'Toram Online Game Guides' started by Vantra55, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. Vantra55

    Vantra55 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2020
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    To create a 2nd or more Toram Online account follow the steps below.

    1) If your 1st Toram Online account isn't registered with Asobimo, you need to do this first. In the game press Menu> Settings> Account Settings. A big window from Asobimo comes up. Read it. Nothing to worry about. Press ok. Then a small window from Asobimo appears. Press Submit. You will need to fill in an email and password. Password has two slots for confirmation. Press Submit to register your account. It should tell you a notification email has been sent to the email you entered. You need to go to that email and press link in it. Once you do that, log into your account using Asobimo window. If you use something to save login info add info in slots this may cause an error message when you login. Write it somewhere else. Type in email and password each time you login. Another small window will appear saying "Login complete" Then press ok and your 1st account character should come up in the game. It might take several minutes depending on your WiFi network because it's loading your info to Asobimo account.

    2) Your shortcuts and other settings will disappear after doing the next steps. Take screenshots of Toram Online settings, character shortcut buttons and lists for each character and all ways of equipment changes that you use because this changes the shortcuts too. You're auto item will need to be relinked each time you switch and after doing the following steps.

    3) Change file name. Open your Files app. Press menu. If you don't see your phone listed then press 3 dots on right upper corner. Select "Show internal storage". Open menu again and you should see it. Press on it. Then Android> data> com.asobimo.toramonline then press 3 dots and select rename. A small separate window will come up. The file name is highlighted. Press the end of it to unhighlight and add 1 or x so it's not recognized when doing the next step. If you wish you can backup these important files on your computer.

    4) Clear storage for Toram Online game. To clear storage go to Settings> Apps and Notifications then select to see all apps. Find Toram Online app and press it. Press Storage and a small window asks if you want to clear it. Press to clear it. This clears both storage and cache.

    5) Change file name back.

    6) Start game. This may take several minutes to load.

    7) You should see character creation page. Setup new avatar character.

    8) Register 2nd Toram Online account to Asobimo with different email and password than your first account. It will take time for it do this. Now you have created a 2nd account. Log in and out using Asobimo log in window to switch back and forth from accounts.

    9) Redo shortcuts on your 1st account characters using the screenshots.

    10) To friend your two character accounts you need two devices with the game on them. I used a laptop with BlueStacks emulator which makes android apps viewable on computers. It's best to enable virtualization on your computer. Follow instructions for this at BlueStacks website or website from maker of your computer. Then have both account characters meet somewhere on the same channel to friend each other.

    Note: I use Google Fi Pixel 3a XL Some steps won't be the same due to being a different phone. I may have missed some unimportant pop-ups but the above has the most important steps to create 2nd Toram Online and Asobimo Account.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2020
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