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Hb skill Idea (L5 skill... 6 maybe?) :/

Discussion in 'Halberd' started by Pacer, Dec 1, 2021.

  1. Pacer

    Pacer New Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    saw Asobimo lvl 5 skill from the youtube other day and was feel excited and impresses. I notice katana and halberd were not on the list and was curious; Where can I contact asobimo with new Idea? I have Idea to make guard useful to halberd players like this: A guard skill that reduces damage with halberd and counters by automatically activating dragon tooth with -50% pp and + an ammount of the damage received to weapon atk temporarily before damage calculation. I think this is a good Idea that could easily be implemented in the game and can be balanced in a number of simple ways. I imagine the guard part could work like elegant poise how it is slower, and with the character model taking a guard stance similar to actual halberd guard like mid guard, high guard etc... Skill name could be: Counter Guard or Guard Counter. Please help me get this Idea get through. Even if devs dont use it now I think it is a good Idea that can even be considered for lv 6, and it would be a refreshing change of pace for hb class. Anyways, thanks for reading so far and have a good one :) If you think this is a good Idea or have an idea of how it could be balanced or un balance I would like to know your opinion.

    Edit: Check out 8:30 of this video for wrath hue from feild guard,
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2021
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    you can contact them in-game from the menu > orb shop > contact us.

    but halberds can already use Elegant Poise and Guard Strike. they can reduce damage with Dragon Tail and become invincible with Dive Impact.
    automatically activating Dragon Tooth is also highly unlikely when all other auto-skills are limited to lower tiers with 3 or less mp cost.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021

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