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Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Jack Lee, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. Jack Lee

    Jack Lee New Member

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Is this something I should report. There's this guy name Senpaix3 begging people for stuff and they feel bad and give him stuff. I notice he try asking me for stuff to but I caught him. He go and switch character just to look like a noob and beg people for stuff. Then when they gone and he got what he wanted, he will then go and switch character where he has all these stuff and he go sell what he got from people from begging from a differ character. I caught him doing that to and he was trying rip me off. I think it quite sad how he does that. I even confronted him when he was trying sell me these weak horns for 3k. The stuff he gets he sells it to other people or new people who don't know much about the game and rip them off. Its how he got all these stuff and things.

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