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Help tanking p ava

Discussion in 'Toram Online Class Discussions' started by NoLifer, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. NoLifer

    NoLifer Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2020
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    How do I tank p ava without dying?
    I've been there for 2 days, couldn't complete a single run and it's making me depresso.
    It's either I die or get flinched/stunned then kicked out.

    Here are my items and stats and combos.
    Last combo is hard hit, trigger slash

    My xtals are

    Nightmare potum, Arco, candela ii, venena

    Thanks in advance

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  2. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    You should go full mtl in stat which gives 75% ailment resist and then get equips or ava stats to get 25% more ailment resist so you end up with 100% ailment resist which will solve your problem of being flinched, tumbled, stunned, poisoned, burned, freezed, all ailments being nullified and that might solve your issue of being knocked out of the arena too, although I've never tanked there so I'm not sure on P. Ava, I know some bosses still knock back even with 100% ailement resist so someone else will have to confirm that.

    If you want attack speed get it from xtals or gears, don't waste on agi in stats, or at least focus on 255 mtl first, then VIT and then some agi if you really want.

    Things like poison and burn can half hp you so this is why having 100% ailment resistance is so useful, if you don't want 100% ailment resist then I suggest using recover skill which heals ailments.

    Looking at your equip you really need to try get your shield, add gear and armor to at least +E to get some extra resistance and if possible get all to +B.
    That will require a tec character as that equipment is untradable, so if you have a spare character slot just make one, it will help you in the long term in toram, I think you can have max tec below lvl100 and that's all you need for refining.

    Lastly your combos, you're agro combo seems okay but astute and meteor breaker in the same combo with no magic skill will probably make phys dps damage lower if you are spamming that although I don't think proration matters at P. Ava but just in general.

    A fast and high agro which is sort of neutral would be trigger slash>guardian(save)>war cry(smite). But your combos seem okay otherwise for p.ava.

    And lastly when you tank her notice which attacks and skills she usese are killing you or make you take huge amounts of damage and learn to block them with p.def.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. NoLifer

    NoLifer Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2020
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    This is extremely helpful.
    I never knew having 100% ailment resistance will stop stuns/flinches and tumbles. Looks like I'll need to reset my stats and some combos!

    The attack that destroys me the most is the garyou and some light magic arrows. I try to dodge or block when i can.

    Thank you so much for the information, highly appreciate it x))
  4. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Learn sanctuary, always flinch her tenryuu, spikes, and the lance throw>dive impact animation. When she starts to do the initial kick with light balls, interrupt her, or just walk away as you dodge the light bullets. She has high evasion and guard so interrupts might not be as reliable, always be ready to p. Def the magadachi if hard hit misses. You can also just move away from your current spot when she does the magadachi, as its not a lock in skill. Don't use interrupt skills in a combo, you need to be able to use them when needed. But really, ailments resist helps a lot. Use guardian to reduce the damage taken by your teammate.
  5. Akare

    Akare Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2018
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    Since you are not going to have 255 MTL in a blink of an eye like the previous replies, and there would be many people visits here looking for tips, here are some tips from a guy who successfully tanked P.Ava many times with a TEC tank:

    + At first, lure her to the edge of the arena (as much as possible, but also enough so you won't drop out when she knockback you), and keep her between you and the arena's center. Then when she start casting Finale, switch to stay between her and the center (you will be knocked back around 20m when she Finale so doing that keeps you from dropped out)

    + After the Finale and you getting knocked back, run back to her and keep her at the edge as much as possible till the rest of the fight

    + Try keeping your Sanctuary on at anytime to lower her damage on you (and also teammates)

    + Keep your Decoy Shot on too

    + About P.ava move set and how to counter:
    * Barehand combo:
    - The whole combo doesn't hurt much as a tank, but can stun, flinch and knock back you (since you are a TEC tank). Solution: interrupt her; if you can't, try not to be knocked out from the arena
    * Magic (these moves can be casted randomly but not continuously):
    - Magic: Impact: This usually comes out of nowhere, and will tumble you, but it's not dangerous as long as you stay out of the knock out zone. Solution: As I stated
    - Single red zone magic AOE: This doesn't hurt as a tank, but can freeze you for 15s. Solution: Cast Recovery (may as well cast it whenever you have free time)
    - Multi-target blue zone AOEs: This doesn't hurt, but can flinch you. Solution: Pdef or ignore them depend on the situation (personally I would ignore them)
    * Halberd (these moves will be used by order):
    1st: Starter: She will swing her halberd and knock you back. Solution: Stay out of the knock out zone
    2nd: Cannon Spear (red and straight zone): Pretty hurt, and ignore your Sanctuary at the middle game onward. Solution: Dodge it or PDef
    3rd: Dive Impact: P.Ava jump and plug her halberd down, leave a small spike AOE zone (around 2m around her, and the spike are colored light blue to distinguish from the other spike zone that I will state later) that deals fractional dmg (dmg based on your HP). Solution: Stay out of that zone
    * 2-Handed Sword combo:
    - Consist of two phases: 1st phase will casted waves traveling around her in spiral shape; 2nd phase comes right after, P.Ava jump and slam her 2H, creates a straight wave toward the tanker that would chop away half your HP (this move is currently either bugged or removed because I don't see her used it this time, even though the slam motion remains, but I stll put it here in case Asobi fix it). Solution: PDef and Sanctuary is your friend, and may as well keep her at the arena's edge when she use it, the spiral waves will fall from the edge
    * Katana (The most hellish one, will be casted randomly):
    - Normal attacks: Can flinch and tumble you, will end with a Triple Thurst that inflict armor break. Solution: Just tank through them since they don't hurt much
    - Tenryu Ransei: She will use it around 3-5 times, each time accelerate the speed of the last use, deal huge dmg. Solution: Sanctuary or run around her since this move isn't a lock-on move
    - Magadachi/Garyou Tensei: She will use it right after the Tenryu Ransei slashes, warned by her raising the katana. This move if hitted can insta-kill the tank and push you off the arena. Solution: PDef (not recommended) or run away from your spot at the time she raised her blade since this move is also not a lock-on move
    - Rampage's last hit (This is Blade skill but she used it with a Katana, Suzuki wtf): P.Ava slash through the screen horizontally, chop away 1/3 of your max HP and also flinch you. This move is dangerous since it happen very fast, warned by P.Ava either run far away or stay in spot and cast a spike AOE (this one will be colored white instead of blue like Halberd's) 2m around her spot then use Bouncing Blade's (the new tier 3 katana skill) motion, then SLASH. Solution: PDef when you see her use Bouncing Blade to avoid the loss of 1/3 HP
    * Knuckle:
    - Sonic Wave(s): She will use this move randomly at <20% HP (I think so), started by throwing 2 Sonic Waves toward random DPS, then began atatatatatatatatata an unknown number of Sonic Waves toward you, inflicting Fear for 3s and deal A LOT OF DAMAGE if you take all of them. Solution: Stay in your Sanctuary to lower the damage, or run around (but of course avoid your DPS' direction)

    At the end, most of what you have to do is familiarize with her move to know which one is dangerous and which not, so you can cast Sanctuary and Decoy accordingly
    That should be all, I'm going to sleep, so tired...
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2020
    • Winner Winner x 4
  6. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    I never fought with p. Ava other than my mtl tank so this is a great infos

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