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Henlo owo /)

Discussion in 'New Member Introduction' started by ken dela cruz, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. ken dela cruz

    ken dela cruz New Member

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Henlo new to this forum thing :confused: as for the game itself am a returning player :p

    So long story short got no builds , no idea on the changes now a days , i was deciding on what class to take i started as a halberd user back in the day but got no idea if they are still good damage wise. Any suggestion on classes would be appreciated. :)

    Oh and please i would like to know how selling piercers work, i got piercers for TH and Halberd... wanted to see if i could sell those so i can start off with some good starting gears :D Thank you
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  2. Roxa

    Roxa Active Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    rox ae
    Welcome baaack :)
    Yes, halberds are still a decent class and they still do a lot of damage. I think Youtube will get you caught up right away. xp

    I can't tell you much about selling piercers either . . . all I know is I want that ths piercer you have there xD
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