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How asobimo can make ailments more relevant

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Kousunpo, Oct 3, 2021.

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  1. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    By changing the mechanisms of enemy ailment resistance and nerfing the ailment resistance by making it function more like a "reduce effects" of ailments rather than a temporary immunity to ailments, and add an absolute cap to the nerfed enemy ailment resistance by making it so that enemy can never reach anywhere near nor at/higher 100% of the nerfed and revamped ailment resistance. if they can make this happen then ailments will actually be more relevant, and certain classes that specializes in ailments will truly shine. feel free to share your thoughts on this suggestion!!
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  2. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    The two sides of this coin :
    • We cannot have unlimited ailments with 0 resistance, since One can just Flinch-lock your opponent and it works indefinitely.
      • This is already possible on Don Yeti (spamming flinch), but multiple Don Yetis break the chain.
    • We cannot have resistance + counters; because that just makes ailments useless.
    The problem with the current aggro system is that one can simply gain the attention of the boss indefinitely and others can spam DPS skills, and whatever AOE is going to happen can be interrupted by one guy.
    • Instead of fixing this, Asobimo made the boss fights harder and harder by adding sharks, counters, AOE spam, Spike spam, etc.
    • Also, because Bosses don't have any MP, that just makes for an even more unfair battle.
    • This narrowed down the meta further and further to a simplistic playstyle, removing the need for support classes and the like.
    • Serum, Immunity, Recovery are not that utilized.
    I don't think Knuckles can be effective in party play as a non-tank with the current game design. Even if there were no counters, Knuckles' skills interrupt the boss when not needed, triggering the resistance, which would be bad if the boss actually decides to do an attack.
    As a tank, they can be quite effective.
    Perhaps, like @kousunpo said, we could have a sort of 'proration' system for interrupts.
    Flinch spam from 'Smash' makes the boss anticipate your Smash AND Bash AND Shell Break more, but doesn't expect Hard hit, Shield cannon, Sonic Wave, etc. (Basically, similar-looking animations have a joint proration)

    Skills like Poison and Ignite are very weak. They barely damage the boss.
    • You apply poison, and the boss barely moves to attack. Poison wasted.
      • Poison should really damage the boss proportional to the attack it does.
      • For example, Ultimate Machina's big laser beam should multiply the poison effect by a lot, hitting comparable damage to normal DPS skills.
    • Ignite also deals less damage. It's only a debuff to the player, not the boss in the slightest.
    Fear is also very wrong.
    • It has half the chance of even applying, and then a 30% chance of actually canceling. That's less than a 15% chance.
    • It should have at least a 50% chance of canceling, and chaining with 'blind'; a 100% chance.
    Chaining skills like Stop + Paralysis should actually lock the boss in place.
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  3. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Everything you said is spot on!!
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  4. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Bruuuuh this. THIS thread right here.

    A lot of what's wrong with Toram is centered on the ailments system.

    Poison and ignite as DoTs are useless, FTS can trigger counters, Fear is only 50%, lethargy means nothing against fractional attacks and neither does stability. Enemy attack rates are slow enough so paralysis and freeze have limited application.

    Everything ailment is almost useless and no skill adjustment can fix that.

    I really agree with an ailment proration system where if an ailment is inflicted, the resistance against it builds over time to prevent abuse making long battles with ailment locks pointless.

    What they can do for the ailments are this:
    > Poison: Based off of attack damage *(target HP * prc * (1 -(curHp/maxHp))) this makes poison damage that scales off the damage of the inital attack, pierce and the enemy hp ratio (lower hp is more poison damage, 100% pierce for full poison damage administration, poison damage based on damage of inital attack)

    > Ignite: Based off ASPD and MDef of target and MAtk of user. DoT = (Init Damage * (MAtk / MDef)) + ASPD. Ignite is harder to come up with an equation for.

    > Fear: Increase boss ailment trigger rate and duration. 3 seconds for 50% chance is nonsense.

    > Paralysis and freeze require mechanic reworks

    > Slow needs to be based on ratio of user ASPD / target ASPD. Speed when slowed = Math.min(normal speed, normal speed * (uASPD / tASPD)) The math.min ensures that they can never go above normal speed and that the lower speed value is used.

    > Stop: Should actually stop the enemy.

    These are just examples. The major thing tbh is to give players control over when they want a skill to apply an ailment effect. Having an aura which you can toggle on or off would be the quick and easy fix to this.

    Bonus: Allowing dodging during skill animations to cancel the skill/combo and dodge attacks should have been implemented a long time ago. Skills shouldn't punish the player for using them.
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  5. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    yes everything you and the brahmnic boy said is what should have been implemented, its spot on!!!
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  6. Momoeater

    Momoeater Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2021
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    You can expect to see alchemist class in future, like from iruna online, it specialises in ailments for dot dmg.
    Poison and burn is useless in iruna too, but when alchemist class was added it is able to do very high poison and burn dmg.
    Like normally poison and burn dmg was like 100 or 1000.
    But then alchemist class appeared and is able to do 100k or 200k poison and burn dmg.

    That must the major reason why devs aren't buffing poison and burn yet, they must have future plans for alchemist type class in toram.
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