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How gemrun works?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Jackal♧, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. Jackal♧

    Jackal♧ Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2019
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    I just got a SRD from recycling avas on a very low lvl account which I use for selling(1% All users cb tax).
    So I wanted to know what is this mq, no mq stuff and how I can sell this gem safely?
  2. Quit toram

    Quit toram Left. Elite Member

    Dec 28, 2016
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    No MQ means the account has little to no progress in the MQ, meaning there will be a lot of bosses inaccessible to that account.
    MQ means the account has completed up to the latest MQ, so it can access all bosses.

    The safest way to sell the gem is probably by advertising it here in forums (or other Toram communities out there, idk). There are two types of payment: Pay before battle and pay after battle. Doing pay before gives the seller a chance to scam by not using the gem, while doing pay after gives the buyers a chance to run away without paying.
  3. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Gem run, ur success or doom..

    Method of selection:
    Ahm, as far as l know, u enter battle screen, select the ‘gem/support item’ u wanna use, n enter battle, it is used automatically ~

    MQ n Non-MQ:
    MQ bosses r those that r unlocked by clearing that specific chapter or mq..(e.g : go to venena palace, u wont see ornlarf if u havent reached that point in mq)
    Non-mq bosses r those that r around even without clearing mq(uh..tapir?)

    Selling gem:
    Thats risky~
    U can be scammed, and u can scam~
    Depends on ur luck n if ppl u r selling to r good~
    Two ways, just shout u r selling srd ; the boss can be of ur choice or that of the buyer.
    For getting money?
    Three ways,
    Pay before(collect all fee before entering battle) , pay after(collect fee after entering battle), or half paid before (50% before) n half after (50% after)~
    All 3 ways can be risky~

    Pros n cons:

    •Pay before :
    The seller can scam n scram leaving the battle mid way; gaining money
    •Pay after :
    The buyer can get nothing or get something n not pay u, leaving, u can do nothing ^^; )
    •Pay half:
    Well..in case of scam, u dun face the full loss ^^)

    Hope that helps x3
  4. Jackal♧

    Jackal♧ Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2019
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    any idea how much is SRD no mq?

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