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how to get help for scamming?

Discussion in 'Toram Online Player Feedback / Review' started by Tadd, Oct 3, 2020.

  1. Tadd

    Tadd New Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    hello, so recently I went into a relationship with a player. at first it was a good relationship but quickly turned toxic. In the heat of everything I handed my gear to the person. and told him I didn't care what they did. (in my own mind I thought the player would respect my gear and use it it's open gear) but no this player did not instead they put it on the cb for a cheap price. I like a couple of days between us go by and I contacted them asking them for my things back. she gave my weapons back, she gave me my additional back, and then she gave me my special. when I asked about the armor they said they sent it to another account. but they cannot get into this account they have lost the password. which seems weird how did you get on the CB. is my question if you do not have the password. is obviously they're scamming me and trying to sell the armor. they keep asking me for help for their stuff but will not hand me the armor back and now instead of telling me I can have it back there at telling me to go find a new. but my armor at the loan is Clyde Laxen. that alone is hard to come by. I tried to explain this to the two people because she brung a friend into this situation. the friend seems to get it. but the person that done this is refusing to act like this is her responsibility at all and is leaving the armor on the CP for the past four day. is there any way I can get some help with this issue. because in my eyes I think they should give the armor back by now and not keep telling me that they got to find a password or they got to do this. just give the armor back. but I should think the person is holding it because they know if they give it to me I'm leaving them. and that's not exactly what they wanted. the whole situation is pretty difficult. but nonetheless I need outside help at this point.
  2. MyLastDreams

    MyLastDreams Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Hate to be that person but there is no help for this. Asobimo has long said getting scammed (giving away gears in this case) is on the player and they won't get involved with trades.
  3. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    it's free trade among players.
    you give something, it's not yours anymore.
    stealing is not possible by design.
    such is the game law.

    as for the playermade community law:
    you said you wouldn't care what they did with it when you gave it to them.
    this was definitely your doing, they didn't trick you into "borrowing" something and ran off.
    i'm afraid you have no grounds to demand a return.

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