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howdy! new account old player

Discussion in 'New Member Introduction' started by artchiie, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. artchiie

    artchiie New Member

    Dec 29, 2019
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    hello, everyone o/ my name is artchiie and i'm coming back to the game after about 3 years, so i definitely feel new, but remember all the fun i used to have

    i was previously known as serendia but due to some email issues i lost my account so i'm vibing now as a mage with my magic crystal armor i never got way back when ahah
    none of my old friends are playing from the looks of it, and i lost ties to 2 of them, but i've already met the newest wave of rakau people and it's quite comfy
    a lot of new things seem to have been added so if there's something especially neat thats showed up in the past 3 years please tell me so i can check it out!
  2. Odin

    Odin O.o hello? Anyone there? Elite Member

    Jun 5, 2015
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    Welcome back :)
  3. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    "appropriate level bonus":
    if the level difference between you and a monster is within +-9, the base exp increases.
    (10x within +-5)

    balance adjustments:
    many things got better, but many still suck.
    the next major game-changing upgrade comes in february.

    hidden skills:
    a special book is required to unlock the skill tree for 1 character.
    you can find them in World Treasure of specific regions or the guild maze floor 600+.
    2 books are exclusive to the maze for now.

    housing system:
    you can decorate your land and raise pets.
    furniture will eat up all your material points.
    you can also cook expensive food.

    boss difficulty:
    you can change the boss difficulty, which increases exp and drop rate but also multiplies the boss stats.
    this is broken, because at higher difficulty, bosses can have 6000 hit rate and dodge.

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