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I need tips/gameplay ref. for non gsw

Discussion in 'Katana' started by Mistery, Mar 26, 2020.

  1. Mistery

    Mistery Active Member

    Jan 3, 2020
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    So i've been training katana for about 2weeks. Ill make venena ulti as example. Whenever i use gsw, i can contibute greatly as dps but, here comes the problem:
    When i party with a tank that doesnt know how to take/maintain aggro of two pillars at the same time, ill become a dead per second because of pillar shark fin attacks will always kill me. So i decided to adjust and dont use gsw instead, take hp food buff, i get 9khp(almost 10k) in total, the problem is that i will be slowpoke and idk how can i do proratio + tenryou at the same time. How can i become usefull without gsw? I need some sort of combos or playstyle or any advice i could get. Thanks..
  2. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    The best move is to not use gsw at all. Being overly reliant on the gsw is gonna bite you back like drugs.

    The problem lies mainly on the tank. Next is the people who don't give a crap.
    If the tank doesn't have enough aggro, 90% of the time it is the tank with the problem. If the people who get aggro of pillars stay within 18m, the pillar will continue spamming like there is no tomorrow.

    You can:
    ①Kick the numbskulls.
    ②Look for another party.
    ③Have someone use Support Skill: Quick Motion and make use of some aspd buffs.
    ④If you happen to have Milk churro, use Str-Agi build instead.

    The numbskulls are those who stay in range. Find party is self explanatory. People using Quick Motion is hard to find nowadays. Str-Agi build+milk churro have very high risk of being left behind in the future unless similar but better katana are released.

    Also, you don't really need to use gsw in order to be useful. You can prorate as usual. You can tenryu as usual. If you're relying on speed in order to make up for your weak output I'd rather say make your character stronger first.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2020
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  3. +Aria Kanzaki+

    +Aria Kanzaki+ Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Hivan just released a new video on youtube using non-gsw gameplay for katana, you might want to check that out.
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  4. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    I use a particular combo to speed up the initial 3 slash of tenryuu. The combo:
    Bouncing blade>tenryuu (swift)

    It helps you in getting the tenryuu stacked up while also increasing garyou tensei stack quickly. Then I also use a combo of flashblast>Tenryuu(smite) >closer. Its used to refresh flashblast while dealing smited tenryuu. I only use it occassionaly, some extra oomph for one use of combo for every 20 secs is pretty good.

    The decoy combo is just the typical decoy combo. I'm using ad-lib>decoy(save) >closer

    Then for buff combo, I use a combo of kairiki>flashblast(cons) to replenish both kairiki and flashblast. I use recovery beforehand if I have a spare time, but most of the time I just let it burns me.

    Then the playstyle. For stationary boss, spawn the decoy, then do tenryuu. After that, use kairiki combo, then magadachi to do zannou. After that I use the bouncing blade>tenryuu combo with normal attack in between. And just do the tenryuus as oer usual. Before the kairiki runs out, I usually ald got 10/10 garyou stack so I use the garyou, and proceed to refresh the tenryuu with zannou.
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  5. Mistery

    Mistery Active Member

    Jan 3, 2020
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    i just saw that. his tenryou still has good motion speed even without gsw.

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