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I want to know dps point of view on 3rd phrase Volgagon

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by S@Ble, Nov 30, 2019.

  1. S@Ble

    S@Ble Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Recently I got in good parties at Volgagon and the running time were about 10-12 min per round which is really nice!! (compare to some 20-30 mins and still not able to finish the run)

    I ( tank), found that on the 3rd phrase it is easier for me to stand still , casting sacntually & nature wonder and wait for all the aoe & hit. With sanctually I got hit only 100-300/hit and all the aoe atk is in one single area instead of boss jumping around. So the boss pattern are rolling atk (i use nature wonder and sanc here) then 4-5 aoe skill (I am safe inside sanc) then the boss casting fire ball to another person (another nature wonder to heal hp/decoy) and repeat again until I done with phrase 3.

    I found that the run seems to finish faster when I do it this way. But I cannot seems to see how the dps doing at the other side coz the boss block my view. I only see his leg or his butt most of the time.

    If the boss stay in 1 place. Does the aoe will always cast in the same place for dps as well? or do they still have to run around?
    the CF in my pt is really good with using moeba shot so we mostly able to stunt boss most of the time.

    so to sum up I literally stay in one area in phrase 1-3 and move to a root at phrase 4. which is also close by. In another thread , it said that tank should run around so I am not sure if I should run.

    The only one who comment on it was the lurer that she prefer me not to move around a lot.
  2. Kaejuda

    Kaejuda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    the boss has a weird pattern.

    it's attack is limited by the tree to the right side,the tree will block most of the wave and rolling dive attack.

    it can walk through the tree at phase 1 and 2 which is weird as f*ck.

    but when phase 3 and 4 starts,it lost the ability and get stuck if you hide behind the tree,making it a safer haven for the dps to hide from the attacks.


    so yeah,the dps side of view is just hit and run,simple.
  3. Cyka

    Cyka Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    JKT 48
    at 3rd phase volgagon i usually only cast my skill when the boss is charging to shoot the ball at lure
  4. AliceYvne

    AliceYvne Elite Member Elite Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    For phase 3 I would prefer aggro holder stay on downhill near the portal, this hill will block the blade skill so it’s won’t reach you range DPS.
  5. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    terrain obstacles block charge, bullet, bowling and meteor attacks, but do not hinder movement.
  6. The Lost One

    The Lost One THOT BEGONE AGENT Elite Member

    May 31, 2018
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    Tried dps on this boss using bow, all you have to do is to pay attention when he jump, if he does that it means he gonna spam meteor 3-12 times(it's random af). That's the main cause of death on dps aside from bullet attack.

    Bullet attack can be dodge through back step if you don't have pdef. Need good timing tho.

    Dps should also be aware when he gonna scratch the tank because 3rd hit(whe it spin) can kill ye if unlucky.
  7. Kaejuda

    Kaejuda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    i know.

    that's for phase 1 and 2.

    but phase 3 and 4 it can't move through the tree,try it.

    lure it to the tree at phase 1,see it walk through the tree.

    and fight to phase 3 you will see that it can't do that anymore.

    idk if this is a hidden gimmick or just a random convenient bug.
  8. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    I tried this earlier, when I was invited in a party consisting of bg tank, finale, dw and my brawler.

    My game sense is still numb coming from a hiatus thus I find this boss annoying especially on the 3rd phase that kept me pounding the struggle button.

    Tanks can run or stay put, really depending on the mood of the boss. He can be stubborn sometimes, so we need to stay resilient and just adjust to his pattern.

    Best party to kill it fast should be a tank plus 3 range class. My party took 30+ min to kill it. Nobody got xtal or 1h. Only reward I got is 2 xmas stars and all rank. Hope I get lucky next time.

    So far, the best strategy is putting a wheel on the tree root and pushing it to pinch Volgagon. Kidding aside. ^_^
  9. S@Ble

    S@Ble Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Ahhh I see. I try the tree on the 1 phrse and i saw the boss coming through it so I though it is useless so I didnot bother to stay behind until 4th phrase =_=

    I will try it out today then.

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