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Im personally tired of the meta

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Lucifere, Jan 30, 2022.

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  1. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Of gsw and get max motion speed as possible forgiving resistances and HP.
    I wish that devs ys okay now only gs is halberd only skill.
  2. Bath

    Bath Active Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Agreed but I think it's knuckle who should get gsw instead of halberd. It would sense since it's a speed class after all. In my opinion, halberd should be a class that has moderate or slow attack/motion speed like 2h and deals moderate damage but has the most physical pierce out of all weapons.
  3. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    I agree with this, but if devs do this, I see a lot who'll rage quit. Lol. ^_^
  4. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Fine by me.Im tired of being reviving people even when they have Soul hunt and still die.
    I keep saying that no dps should have access to invincible skills.
  5. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    They get careless coz they expect somebody to revive them and all they have in mind is to make more damage, whilst if they consider dying a failure then they'll prolly avoid it. ^_^
  6. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Yeah, nowadays, anytime I see a solo video on YouTube and soul hunt pops up, I just leave.

    It's incredibly boring, this current meta.

    Also, I'm of neutral opinion of GSW on knux instead of HB.

    If they remove motion speed cap on knux then sure but right now? Nope.

    Knux is also getting psycho thousand hands or something. Best to leave those debates for t5 release.

    What needs to be truly changed is the smite meta that existed since conception. Best case would be to remove the damage penalty from save tag.
  7. moonlightreys

    moonlightreys Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2021
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    agreed~ the whole gsw glass-cannon ftw makes people look down on "solo" builds or dps builds that focus on anything related to survivability because for some reason, if you're a damager, your role is to make quick big numbers and die. it's pretty annoying that newbies who look up builds will be led to think that gsw is necessary for endgame builds, creating a never ending cycle of death-per-seconds.

    if gsw was limited to only certain builds like hb or knux as mentioned (i honestly don't care which, as long as it's limited at all), it would be better so that not every Toram player turns out suicidal in-game.
  8. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Im fine with combos tags the problem is that there are very few skills that actually make damage for example on Mage only uses basically 2 skills if not only one being Finale.
  9. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Well for mages, there's no reason to use any other skill.

    Magic Arrows: Low damage, chain cast only works for subsequent magic skill and can be consumed by magic: impact. Worthless.
    Magic Javalin: Long Animation time, short ailment duration, low damage. Worthless.
    Magic Lances: Terribly long "Stop" Cooldown. Worthless.
    Magic: Impact: Nice all range use skill which halves cost of following skill.
    Magic Finale: Massive damage due to non-scaling skill damage constant.
    Magic Wall: Radius is too small, knockback does not work on most enemies, damage too low, frequency too low.
    Magic Blast: Cast time too long. Animation too long.
    Magic Storm: Suction rate too infrequent.
    Magic Burst: Too long cast time, low relative damage for requirement.
    Maximizer: Should replace MP Charge/be the same cast time or should be instant at max level. Using as is punishes the player with a 10 second "stun".
    Magic Guardian Beam: Only 10 charges, each charge is used for each enemy, low damage, knockback does not work on most enemies, requires user to be targetted.

    Yeah... magic is just ripe mess tbh.
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  10. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    The omly class I see properly made is Archer.
    Snipe for breaking defense.CF for main damage and then satellite arrow for waiting while with tier 5 seems they gonna get at least 1 skill to mimic backstep and making damage and parabolla cannon for more damage skills.

    While other classes ( we are ignoring SH and other non main weapon skills)
    Swords only meteor.
    Halberd only Dragon tooth.
    Katana at least its funny by playing counterattacking.
    Dw only Shinning cross.
    Knuckles Ive tried and for me is a fun class but underpowered too.
    Wtf asobimo make something.
  11. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Thing with sword is that almost half the halberd skill tree they can claim, in addition to knight and then they have revenir.

    Really no reason to complain with swords anymore. (1hs at least, 2h is pure meteor/buster)

    Halberd is kinda boring. I like how the weapon has innate guard but it's a last resort mainly due to low amount.

    Katana is pretty nice but they only have sub ninja for now

    Knux is really fun but it's crap right now. Playing without any range means the boss can just drop self centered spikes and make you waste a goliath charge. Holding my breath for t5.

    Magic is pure thrash. You either use finale or you aren't doing mage dps right. I assume mage t5 will be finale till 100% then magic cannon. Nothing really changes...

    Sub shield users have the mass lot of benefits in this game. Knight, Priest, Shield Burst damage. They have a lot.

    Dagger users get situational dagger skills in which the entire lower arm is undebatably useless. Assassin skills in which two of the buffs are useless, one of the dps skills are terrible for consecutive boss runs and does piss poor damage, the evasion passive requires you not to be targetted, horrible for solo and not in-line with common the style of assassin.

    Arrow have shot tree and hunter traps. Traps are garbage, not as bad as the lower part of the dagger skill tree but still bad.

    Sub MD has a lot going for it but more in utility.
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