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In regards to the atk of crafted weapons

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by HoldtheChz, Aug 11, 2021.

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  1. HoldtheChz

    HoldtheChz Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2021
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    I understand there's a base attack all weapons start at of course, and depending on the crafter that attack goes up. Just as a reference, the new 6th anniversary THS has a base attack of 550, so far the highest attack I've seen for that weapon is 595, so +45 base attack. I was wondering what would the absolute max be for a weapon beyond base attack? I'm guessing +45 isn't too far off, but I sure don't know for sure : / help please?
  2. FrostHydra97

    FrostHydra97 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2020
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    Afaik max base stat of all gears are base +10% +10
    I.e. 6th anniv greatsword vi has 550 base, thus the maximum achievable is 550 +55 +10 = 615
    Though, don't try to reach the max since it's very sanity consuming, unless you have universal level of luck.
  3. Razielle

    Razielle Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Azeroth / Razielle
    Yeah, not sure on max but probably somewhere along those lines. I saw a 608 ths recently so yeah, only way to confirm is to craft yourself. The last 50+ staffs I crafted only gave me trash with below 385, so rng is...so toram-like. Even though I got a few 392 before, still yet to see anvil go orange after like 200+ crafts (anniv is rigged I tell ya)
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