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Is auto item cool down too short?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Kaisyl, May 1, 2022.

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  1. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I find the 10 seconds cool down for auto item basically negates all need for healing skills in the game. Should it be lengthened and more conditions added to it?
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  2. Balugbog056

    Balugbog056 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    they should remove auto item system instead give action movement without cooldown like how skill works to make healing skill more useful or more like not being abused the consumable system for not taking action movement compare to healing skills that need action movement
  3. screamingfox

    screamingfox Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Are we talking item-cooldown's in general or making a cooldown longer exclusive to auto-item usage in combat?

    If you mean in general. No. I'd much rather they make a item cool-down system that has seperate cooldowns for different items.
    -Buff items 1 (Vita Plus and other 5-30 minute buffs): No item cooldown
    -Buff items 2 (Nuts, and other extra small heal mp items): 5 second cooldown.
    Buff item 3 (Vaccines): 30 seconds to a minute or so ething cooldown.
    -Healing items: 10 seconds or whatever, with -cd working on this.
    -Add on in-combat cooldown for item usage and penalties for auto-item usage.

    If just auto-cooldown, which doesn't exist since items have a universal cooldown. Then yes, but it's ultimately only going to nerf tanks and beefy DPS that would just replace their item usage with healing spells instead. Nerfing them, since they have to use MP.Utimately doing nothing for glass cannons.

    Alongside that, glass cannons likely wouldn't put healing spells in their repertoire regardless, as they'll likely not believe that's their responsibility...until it is. Like people who don't out points into Play Dead, don't realize that it's a good investment...until they do.
  4. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    They'd have to create an Auto item cooldown which... won't take much effort depending on how it's coded. I'm surprised items don't have different cooldown by implementation.
  5. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    healing skills are nigh-useless because most bosses oneshot kill you. +the ocasional "iAm UsiNG (Skill that requires low HP or constant self damage) DoNT HEal Me", which just makes healing skills that bit more useless since it will aggro the dps's

    nerfing/removing auto-item would make solo playing and general party play miserable, especially because, imo the game is balanced around auto-items.
    I rather have either a HP growth boost so bosses don't 2-1 shot you, or nerf bosses damage so when you get hit you don't just cease to exist and Healers actually have an HP bar to throw healings at.
    I know the genre is different, but in Alchemia story, you don't have much health, but you do a lot of damage, while enemies have tons of health but low damage, healers can Actually heal something because people aren't getting oneshoted/Near dead every time an enemy touches them, (again healers need HP bars to heal), '''''similar''''' to Toram, We players have low health but high damage, bosses have.. High health, High damage, often more mobility, can't get properly CC'ed due do innate immunity/weird bugs [ex: boss gets ailmented, boss starts to teleport around the map, use two red AOE attacks at the same time, or ignores it entirely despite not having natural resistence, etc], and yes evasion and Guard are a thing, but only recently did we get the ability to avoid their lock-on auto attacks with Evade and Guard manual system, and it's honestly insane that bosses could just walk forwards and kill you like that until 1-2 years ago, P.def on shielders and other survivability skills were a must (Not sure the exact time), that is to say, Toram has quite the game design issues, and a history of implementing fixes, or band-aids to those issues, very very late. Aside from survivability skills, Auto-item were relied in thoes cases of bosses walking forwards and auto attacking you to near death.

    AFAIK, as long as the devs want every new boss to be an insane oneshot fiesta, healers are not going to be a thing. Ever. nerfing or removing auto-items would make things Worse, making supports a requirement out of necessity, as in "Better than nothing", and the sheer pressure and responsibility that would be put on supports to keep your party alive, single handedly, would breed some Nasty toxicity. the kind of pressure Tanks get but far worse.

    If auto-item were to be removed, we would Need to see Strong Health and resistances buffs, Or across the game Boss damage Nerfs, otherwise it's going to be a Disaster.
    I don't get those posts, essentially asking for Nerfs while bosses are getting more and more insane each update<Which demand better adapted skills, Buffs, not nerfs that will shoot ourselves in the foot and hurt the game. to give this some credit I suppose you would want a rebalance on the game alongside the auto-item removal, but solely removing it would not be good.
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  6. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Bosses can oneshot you regardless of GSW, if anything people use that skill to better avoid an oneshot that would happen Anyway. Not to mention how the lengthy animations Vs the increasingly fast bosses Demand that you are faster yourself, the longer you stay locked in animation the higher the danger of dying, which ironically the skill that turns you into the equivalent of a fragile balloon helps prevent. being oneshoted isn't a punishment if it would happen anyway regardless of the skill being used, it's why everyone uses it, better have it than not.
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  7. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    The 10sec cool down is good as is.

    When you need another within that time frame, then where the healing skill comes in, or vice versa, you use the healing skill 1st then the item as fail safe.

  8. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Well alright, it's well and truly a bad idea then
  9. Rydalis Darx

    Rydalis Darx Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    For my two cents, it really depends on how difficult you want the game to be for early-mid game. In late game people are likely to know what their build can and can't do, so they will know the limit to their Hit Points. Early and Mid game players rely on their auto items to survive a lot of the time, I remember I did back in 2015. People run squishy builds a lot in late game meaning they die in 1 Hit anyways, however for non-squishy builds they do need some kind of sustain like from P. Def, Bloodsucker, or Buster Blade (which all happen to fit OHS Shield). Early-Mid Players are sorta in a limbo of being one shot or taking a lot of hits because of the enemies and bosses in their tier of play.

    I do think that the auto item cooldown is a bit quick, I'd probably have made it to be 20 seconds with Parsimony only adding another 10 seconds. This would allow there be a decent time where healers have a reason to exist in between those moments people can't heal, which would be clutch for boss fights. They will still be decent outside of healing, they can still use Brave Aura, High Cycle, Quick Motion, etc or use decent AOE clear skills like Crash, Finale, Burst, or even some ailments like Lances. There isn't much of a need for support players in Toram rn, since most DPS builds tend to build the support skills they need (Brave Aura) and be self sufficient. I do wish there were more reason to have support casters though.
  10. Helixx

    Helixx Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2018
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    Imo, as someone above mentioned already healer need to have an hp bar to throw their healings, then aso should add fast full map aoe that dealing 2k~3k damage on every new bosses. This way no one would use gsw as it will 1hit ko, also with fast animation aoe it will be hard to use invincible skills. On top of that, adding dot ailment like ignite or poison, should make healer more usefull
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