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Is ref S on wep wroth for it additional damage?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by S@Ble, May 22, 2020.

  1. S@Ble

    S@Ble Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    I have been refining and the items seem cursed some how. So i finay get my tech cha and BS cha to cap with 180 prof. When the summer shell and 5th anniv come i can be on my merry way crafting and statting my own gears. However, this refine is based on luck. I can get up to A without feeling so depress but S seems suck so far (i used 5 stk of mithril ore and 1 stk ori so far to get to A twice) this refine seem cursed. So i am wondering if it wroth to refine up to S for additonal damage bonus (on no slot or 1 slot gears) or A would be fine. I cant afford to have 2S gears coz im playing 3 dps and hoping to go all ele gears (yep, coz if i have summer shell i guess i can stat all i want)
    I dont think i gonna sell them for profit later coz tend to be attached to my own gears (horder) so im just looking in term of cost & damage ratio. Like do i wanna to spend more $$ for extra damage and how much damage would be differ between A and S.

    I Mean i wouldnt spend 10m just to go with S if the damage is like 100k diff for each dt
  2. The Lost One

    The Lost One THOT BEGONE AGENT Elite Member

    May 31, 2018
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    seems like it, +A imo is already good enough as the total attack given by the refinement between +A and +S is like 60+ bonus attack difference as average on most weapons.

    check this thread

    credits to @AliceYvne
  3. Suondei

    Suondei Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2017
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    i think worth xd cuz it effects base atk

    For 2h and halb let's calculate 550 atk
    550*3,25+15=1787,5+15=1902,5 atk S refine
    550*2,96+14=1628+14=1742 atk A refine

    With 300 atk it's 93 atk difference

    Edit 2:
    i tested in coryn and the results are
    550+S wep only 300 str + 250 agi stats
    3147 atk -----(with +%40 atk)----> 4405 atk

    550+A wep with same stats
    2987 atk -----(with +%40 atk)----> 4185 atk
    Last edited: May 22, 2020
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  4. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    If you can't refine a certain weapon leave it alone for a bit and try again another time or just dont refine it again. I had a bow that I tried refining over the course of a month and it refused to go +S, but when ever I switched to refine another weapon or item it would usually go +S without any issues, I ended up the selling bow.
    I tend not to be superstitious but I think some items in this game can be cursed xD
    Last anniv I spent a huge amount of spina on mats refining a Halberd, a cursed one without giving up and leaving it for another day, and after wasting all my spina and hours of my time, and feeling bitter at the game i realised if I ever dealt with a very stubborn refine again it would be better to just sell the item or try every few days hoping to be luckier another day.
    Other people have answered if +S is it worth it, I would say if you want the highest potential damage you can achieve then I would say it's worth it, if you dont mind having slightly less damage then it's not necessary. But if you ever going to sell that equipment the price gap between +A and +S weapon is pretty big.

    I will also say if you new to refining and never refined to +S it can feel unattainable and make you not wana keep trying, I also felt like that when first refining. I remember feeling so anxious on +A xD
    But the more items you refine to +S the more easier it will feel and the more patient you will become, you'll get used to the bad days and the annoying consecutive drops on +A. Also I would recommend to have a little bit of spina to work with, don't try refining if you nearly broke.
    Good luck.
  5. Zezusa

    Zezusa Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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    To answer your question then yes it’s worth it, should you do it is another question. I am of the view some weapons are harder to refine than others, I always get crappy results with event drops when compared to npc or player made . As we speak I have a staff I refuse to refine to +S, I don’t have a lot of spina and I already spent 4mil+ and it only made it to +A twice , whilst a player made halb I refined to +S with only about 50k spent. So it depends on your budget if you don’t have a lot of spina +B or +A should be fine, especially if the weapon doesn’t have a high base attack......my staff has a base attack of 265 so between A-S I am loving like 300 matk and I could live with that tbh.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. SAM.

    SAM. Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    Refining with intent to refine to S is is alm9st literal depression. You're hitting the same button over and over with a screen indicating failure over and over.

    Refine is to A is good. Refine to S is a nice bonus. Expect to downgrade from A to B 16 times before you should reasonably expect success. Refine to A ~4m. Refine to S, ~64m with basic broad calculations. Both A and S are worth it in their own ways.
  7. Zufeng

    Zufeng Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Worth every single penny
    Everything can stay at B but an A or S ref weap is a must for me (B is sufficient actually if you are short on spina)
    It's the best way to kick boss asses harder and faster (Unless if you are tank)
  8. S@Ble

    S@Ble Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    True i got to watch series when i refine coz u keep seeing those failure!! And it becomes more and more depression as the hours go by.
  9. nan@

    nan@ Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2020
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    anyone know price of refine1s B-S?

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