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Is Spina the only way to be successful in Toram?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Wesfun36, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. Zenki

    Zenki ゼンキー Elite Member

    Aug 13, 2015
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    You can have millions of spina and awesome gear and still be garbage at the game, imo being successful is being good at the game with what you have, being satisfied with yourself and having great friends to play with, money cant buy you skill or happiness, its a nice bandage but it wont last
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  2. RPG_Neko

    RPG_Neko Retired 2015 player Super Likable Wiki Contributor Epic Member

    Sep 6, 2015
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    In my opinion, spina doesn't always make you successful in toram. Sure it can give you op equipment, but toram is not all about that. I personally think being successful in toram is by having a wide range of knowledge of the game, while also maintaining a good reputation in this online community. Being successful can also mean having completed goals that would take a long period of time. Besides, spina can't always get you friends that actually like you, unlike ones that pretend to be friendly so they can be gold diggers on you.

    One of my goals is having my spina count at cap, but it's not like i'll use it anyway that would benefit me. I don't boss farm so I don't need good gear .u.
  3. Vedar777

    Vedar777 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    What is successful in your mind?

    Finish the story?
    Have max spina?
    Look nice?
    Deal the highest amount of damage? (which will never happen is a game with updates and changes)
    All of the above?

    You can be as successful as you want to be?

    I play for fun and to escape from my huge responsibilities.

    Set some small goals in the game, and don't take it seriously. People stress themselves out over small things in this game. And no one will ever be able to claim to be the number one hero in Toram. Unlike they release a maple story ranking system, and then the bots and cheaters can claim victory.
  4. Wesfun36

    Wesfun36 Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2016
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    I've been playing since the 1st Anniversary event. I've done things like beat story line. Joined my current guild. Make some friends and spent....countless hours at Ancient Empress Tomb farming for Nightmare Crystals but I still don't feel any better than I did on day 1. I don't do much other than NC farm for about an hour a day. I just don't know how to be successful anymore. I thought maybe spina could be the answer but thanks to the many of you who posted you have very easily proved me wrong. I will spend some more time thinking about different (and less ridiculous) ways to be a successful person within my guild, the forums and Toram in general.
  5. Arato

    Arato Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    Happiest person is most successful. .... spina don't even matter
    The more fun u have when playing more successful u are .... thats what games are for anyway :p
  6. Hiranee

    Hiranee New Member

    Feb 18, 2017
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    It really is ridiculous if you think that way. Remember the fundamental reason why we are playing a game: to have fun and remove boredom at least. That is the real success. If you think that having lots of spina makes you happy and you got millions, then yes success! If you think that having op and cool characters is fun while having low spina, then still yes success! It depends on your perspective. No success is free of effort, blood, and sweat. You truly have to work for it. Gaining it is a lifetime achievement. ;)
  7. Serika

    Serika Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Spina, time, and strategy.
    Friends, a good guild and good personal sensibility as a player.

    I did play successfully in my previous game and I was dirt poor. But I had time and friends and strategy to gather stuff I need to be OP.
  8. Odin

    Odin O.o hello? Anyone there? Elite Member

    Jun 5, 2015
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    I dunno. I don't have a lot of Spina at a time, but have potential to make a lot as I have 3 lock, 2 bs and full tech bs also etc. But I enjoy the game for it's social side. I could get millions 50-100m a day in Iruna but my prob was getting enuf XP but I didn't wanna buy Dirty Gears all day either. So It really depends on what success looks like to u? Spina for me is just to buy mats or nc when too lazy to farm or xtals. Everything else i farm or make myself.

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