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Katana's Gear Change

Discussion in 'Katana' started by Sethfina, Jul 7, 2020.

  1. Sethfina

    Sethfina New Member

    Feb 3, 2018
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    So I recently came back and checked the gear for any new effect so I'm curious now on what I should use and my options so far for katana.
    My equipment is still old and wanted to update it now.
    1>I'm assuming for top hat its been replaced by scary scarf now or is there something better?
    2> Ice cape seems like the go-to for pierce but then there is the sand bandit mask with unsheath with pierce while the cape has atk should I just go for the cape or the sand bandit mask?
    3> For special, im assuming muscle/dex V / dark talisim (power) ?
  2. 18 characters long

    18 characters long Active Member

    May 21, 2020
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    1. yea scary scarf is the go to add now
    2.try to use stat calc in cc to compare the two. one has attack and one has unsheathe. the mask is 2% up on pierce but would the 12% unsheathe win over the 5% atk? maybe, maybe not. complete depends on your other eqs. if u have lower unsheathe and lots of atk multipliers then maybe the mask would be better or vice versa
    3.dt pow for all phys dmg dealers except if you need more mp. i personally prefer the stat talismans, higher mp and not that much lower dmg than dt pow

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