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Knux+MD or OHS+MD?

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by catloaf, Oct 14, 2019.

  1. catloaf

    catloaf Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2019
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    Which one is more fun, useful in battles, and less expensive to build?
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  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    1h can use Enchant Sword for 135% damage against non-neutral targets and a 10% elemental damage buff for 30s.
    stat-wise it is the most balanced between atk and matk, and benefits from high cspd and accuracy (if using DEX) or critical damage (if using STR).

    knuckles cannot use Enchant Sword, but has access to many useful ailments.
    stat-wise they are heavyly focused on matk and benefit from high aspd.
    their physical damage is low, but they are good with ampr and neutral proration. their auto-attacks have a chance to inflict armor break.
    since Ether Flare is not that strong and Element Slash is heavyly dependent on accuracy, you have to include magic skills from other skill trees to deal good damage.
    the magic tree is currently still the best choice.

    knuckles can be more difficult to use, since all their stats and skills are controversial to their functionality, but they have some good moves if used right.
    1h has build-in support, since there are 'magic swords' and quite a few gears that compliment this build. but since they excel on neither side, it can be difficult to keep up with specialized builds, especially at lower levels, since the power growth is slow.
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  3. Lenwok

    Lenwok Elite Member Elite Member

    May 19, 2017
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    You can use sub MD in 3 ways:
    1) Burn-out-all-mp burst physical DPS + maximiser for ez full mp recovery
    2) Magical DPS, and leaning on the bonuses from MD
    3) A complex hybrid between the two, but weaker than each one above in the respective category

    Between 1h and knux main wep, generally 1h has more flexible application but only knux has access to all interrupts (flinch+tumble+stun). 1h would also be stronger since you'll be using STR stat which adds additional natural cdmg (and has access to enchant sword), but knux would be faster at auto attacking, without buffs, due to AGI stat. This would be nice for playing a support autoattacker (from range when combined with power wave) that specializes in balancing the party's proration, while everyone else is mad spamming on skills. Knux main DPS is also ranged so it pairs well with power wave.

    Its up to you on what you want to play, given the main choices above, but hopefully these ideas can get you started. :D

    As for cost/gear, both setups can be done cheaply and expensively so that shouldn't affect your decision. You should start cheap (or re-use as much of what you have already), and then steadily upgrade your gear as you get more comfortable with the character. :cool:
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  4. catloaf

    catloaf Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2019
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    Thanks everyone! I think I'm gonna give the 1h-md build a try first, since it's more balanced and flexible compared to the other. Wish the skills could just be sold in the library so that I could try them both :'<
  5. Saixe

    Saixe New Member

    Apr 7, 2019
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    I've built a few different concepts from each idea and found 1H+MD to be more viable and dynamic to use. Cast speed for knux is drastically throttled compared to 1h sword when equipped with MD. The closest form of "magic" that knux users could benefit from would be Dark Magic, Dark Stinger can be pretty strong when combo'd properly.

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