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Lets request for finale revamp

Discussion in 'Mage' started by Kousunpo, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    This is for those who abandoned finale for burst like myself and others due to the near uselessness ((complete uselessness in most cases)) of finale so we all know that finale has ridiculously long cast time and is subpar compared to other damage classes and is almost completely useless((totally completely useless in most cases)) without mtl stat and a bunch of redundant shenanigans((only fellow ex finale users will understand)), so i requested for Asobimo to make finale able to become 1 second if certain conditions are met like 255 dex ((absolutely way better than 5 seconds)) and finally viable dps on par with other dps classes especially if using interrupt skills before hand, if you are a ex finale user current burst user too lets in a group effort request for Asobimo to make finale become finally viable with 1 second cast time as long as certain conditions like 255 dex are met!!!

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    Last edited: Oct 15, 2020
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  2. Clover

    Clover Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Although I agree that finale is now less useful than burst (rise of CF SA meta), it'll be a totally different skill if they revamp that. I think we just need another attack skill or buff that allows more total damage dealt paired with finale, just like SA... Maybe a Magic version of Decoy Shot that allows you to deal additional damage (like imperial but you won't have to cast it yourself) or charge MP.
    TBH I expected much from Wizard Skill Tree but it turns out that the Advanced Familia is only optional, rather, a waste of skill points XD
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  3. LapizLazuli07

    LapizLazuli07 Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2020
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    I am also an Ex Finale user and now Im using burst. Tbh, I think Finale is pretty good as it is. It's just easily overshadowed by other classes. Finale has a very high skill constant and thus, with very very cheap gears, it can still do good damage unlike other Physical classes. Not to mention it's a skill that can only miss in a literal sense. The weaknesses of Finale can be covered by other means, such as using Crit, Matk, or M. Pierce to increase further its damage. Also investing in vit and resistances would help a lot in surviving bosses that are full of AOEs. It just so happened that the Meta focuses on fast kill thus Mages are built to maximize damage, but it wouldn't make sense to be glassy in a class that's vulnerable enough already.

    As for PvP, im not really interested. I heard somewhere that there will be no T4 skills there but idk. That will take a long time to happen.
    Hell we still dont have T4 Magic Warrior Skills. We still don't have our new Halloween Content XD
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  4. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Interesting or maybe it could be a magic buff skill that if used before finale strictly in a combo it grants a long iframe that will last throughout the uselessly long casting time of finale to actually make it viable?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2020
  5. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    halloween starts next week. old content always returns 2 weeks earlier. they are not delaying updates, we are still on the regular schedule.

    burst only overpowers finale on min/max builds. those are not the standard (at least not by game design).
    going by that reasoning, we might as well delete half the weapons and skills and most of the consumable items from the game.
  6. Insane23

    Insane23 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2019
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    I was expecting at least a skill like that at t4 wizard skills:
    - An Imperial Ray, but without its first part (bs cast, awful damage and negative proration), just the blast buff with higher damage. To avoid abuse from instant cast users it could have a cooldown like sicarius buff.
    - Based on logical path of blizzard/meteor branch, next skill could also be a fixed element multi-hit AoE, with the reliability of blizzard, stronger than meteor and high mp cost (700+). This way mage could be played similarly to cf+sat: Cast t4 wizard skill, then cast Finale/Burst.

    But we already know what happened.
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  7. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Great ideas so far, but maybe we could just request for Nemesis Skill iruna style!!! 1 second cast time if meet minimum of 255 dex and it can be casted from a 12m distance it is a fixed mono light element magic skill and it could have 70% uninterruptability if int meets the minimum of 255 and does damage ranging from as low as 100k to up to about 500k or more depending on matk stats and equipments and target's element, and it could be coded as an "off-branch" skill in the priest skill tree, Bishop in Toram finally!!!
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2020
  8. redsmite

    redsmite Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2020
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    What about trying to revert finale nerf changes? Finale was considered an op class on its heyday.
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  9. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    i see and what was finale like when it was not nerfed? did it have a usefully fast cast time of 1 second and under?
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2020
  10. MyLastDreams

    MyLastDreams Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    If i remember things correctly....
    • Less startup lag on activation after casting
    • Center hitbox was alot larger
    • Later hits had much higher constants
    • Sneak negated all aggro from it
    Never really cared for Finale as a whole (boring and simple as hell) so I might be wrong or missed somethings.
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  11. ẜἸoωer

    ẜἸoωer Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2019
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    With new combo rework tags, finale might work differently now, but rip smite.
    Tbh, I prefer Burst compared to Finale.

    Finale is way too slow (because of cast time AND mp charging) , also the big burst damage does not compensate the high mp cost, and also damage you can contribute over time.
    I'd rather have them change Mp charge cast time to instant (affected by dex and cspd) instead of Finale, that way mages can keep up with mp while casting mp heavy skills.
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  12. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    i agree finale is uselessly slow and poorly designed as the developers in their perspective they think mage should only be all about damage and not practical usage of mage x.x they could have just made finale instant with reliance on int and dex just like burst but with single target and heavy damage whereas burst could remain aoe with lower damage considering other classes can do just as much if not more damage than finale but are way quicker and are not vulnerable unlike finale, and yes instant mp recharge would have been nice too 2 seconds of standing is too slow, developers think only controlling speed should be the way to determine class balance, if so they could have just made the damage of finale harder to achieve like needing a high amount of matk like around 5k minimum to deal even just 1m damage and more to justify making it instant lol, just like in terms of purely making money not everyone wants to spend 10+ years in medical school to become a doctor just to make decently high pay, when they could have took the practical route and skipped all that time to reach the same if not higher pay in much much muchx1000 less time by learning how business models work and building a successful business
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2020
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  13. Akali097

    Akali097 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2017
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    What about…

    2500m casting range, uses all available MP, including Mana Potion overflow. At Lv10, has 5 seconds Casting Time, cannot be reduced in any way. On cast, gives a +400% MATK buff with 6 second duration. Skill Constant is 0 + Base MATK, Skill Multiplier is 50 + (INT/10) + (DEX/20) + (Current HP/500) + (MP Used/200). Element is weapon dependent. Affected by Concentrate, SRD% and LRD%. AoE has a 30m Radius, and only hits once. Staff Bonus has 100% Magic Pierce and extra +600% MATK, Magic Device Bonus has 50% Magic Pierce, -2 seconds Casting Time, and activates Concentrate, Bow Bonus uses 50% of ATK for calculations. Demerits: Generates 1 Aggro per point of MP used (Max 4000) * 2, Generates another 500 Aggro per second. Refunds 50% of MP used when interrupted, and user is downed on successful cast. Revive Time cannot be reduced by First Aid, but is affected by Revive Time Reduction stats.
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  14. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    yes being castable from 250 meters away would make up for the stupidly long cast time, as long as boss attacks don't reach that far lol
  15. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Or we can just make Magic skills depend on each other, such as Casting Arrows doesn't launch arrows, just makes a circular object in space, and you can make as many of those as you want.

    If you take damage, you lose all circles, and first circle dies after 20 seconds of inactivity.

    Using Javelin you trigger all the Circles to start shooting arrows.
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  16. Negi

    Negi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2015
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    Id like to see a shorter duration between placement and activation to reduce the chance for missing.
  17. Wimzi

    Wimzi Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2018
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    I would be happy if they just removed one second of its cast time and removed its lock to neutral element.

    It would also be interesting to see its casting and activation split similar to CF/Goliath so you can cast/activate the skill at different times. This gives you some more mobility instead of being locked in place and left vulnerable for such a long time. And it would also be interesting if you could increase the power of the activation according to the number of magic skills used before it, like an inverse of Burst and also making it a true “finale”.
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  18. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    yes a cf style casting and activation split for finale which allows mobility and manually activating it by pressing finale button again will be much better than being rooted for 5 seconds!!!
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