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Levelling Pets question

Discussion in 'Pet/Taming' started by Lykaios, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. Lykaios

    Lykaios Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    I have a wolf, with the personality impulsive so he avoids attacking if I am near boss. I tend to run away from the boss so he is able to attack and get xp. He can get to lvl 164, bt I know he only gets xp if he actually attacks so it just seems like he is taking forever to level up. And the only other hound that can get to level 164 on the CB is 500k. Does anyone have any experience with levelng pets with the impulsive personality? Is there a way to check how much percent he has of levelling?
  2. Lenwok

    Lenwok Elite Member Elite Member

    May 19, 2017
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    Welcome to the pet grind :cool:

    Rule for pet levelling is that they must successfully hit the boss and must be alive at the end of the battle. Also sadly no there is no way to check level %/progress of a pet, only can see when the pet's power increases (which implies a level up). However pet power doesn't always increase on level up...

    For best pet leveling try to kill high difficulty bosses quickly (so pet doesn't take too many hits, bonus if they can naturally avoid boss AOE skills too), but not too quick that that pet can't land any hits first.

    Check here (http://coryn.club/pet_leveling.php) for best bosses at your pets level range, then see what you are able to handle effectively.
  3. kariin

    kariin Patience is a Virtue Staff Member MODERATOR Super Likable Elite Member Wiki Contributor Epic Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    i go for super easy bosses on the initial, like omochi lvl pet til 60ish then i switched to forestia, easy soloable bosses. i hit and just run around til i c the pet hits it then i'll kill it xD usually i look at coryn to check how much exp its needed til the next lvl and just calc how many times i'd needa run the boss to lvl.

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