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Looking for Leveling service

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by megan8, Jul 17, 2021.

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  1. megan8

    megan8 Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2018
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    Hey guys , so believe it or not I'm a veteran player from 2015 almost as soon as toram was released. well, I've gone through like 14 diff accounts because of lost passwords and such and currently have 3 accounts but only use 1. This is the one I want help with, im currently at level 226 with my main character, all I'm looking for is for someone to boost my level up to 230 since I'm too lazy to grind with random parties that split up after like an hour and can't solo. Obviously I will pay for the service. So, DM me if your willing and tell me how much you want for the service and expect to get haggled lol. Im expecting around 1.2mil btw so that's a reference. Prefer less obviously
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