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Loyal Player trashed by Asobimo

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Undead, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. Undead

    Undead Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    Well, this is it for me, my phone can no longer keep up, I can barely move in towns or anywhere with so many npc but with the new main story with more than a dozen soldier npc, my game will 100% crash :biblethump:.

    I plan to keep playing toram until it declares server shutdown, but I have no choice but to go now, i bought the latest phone the same time toram started but now, those who can't buy a new phone, specially during this pandemic will have to let go :biblethump:.

    Goodbye world of toram, if ever i buy a new phone, i would probably try a new game that i can't before, for now i will use the extra space on my current phone for future updates of mlbb :bloodtrail:.

    Goodbye and thank you, this may be my last post in this forum and will just visit from time to time to see what updates in toram ill be missing.
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  2. BLCY

    BLCY Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2017
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    A solucion is share your account with your friend and he/she finish the mq where your phone crashed xd

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