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Mage role in High Difficulty Boss Event

Discussion in 'Mage' started by LapizLazuli07, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. LapizLazuli07

    LapizLazuli07 Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Hey so I've played the Hell Reaper and Neo Maton sword eventsa few times and I wondered if there's anything I should be doing or if I am doing anything wrong. Party seems to disband shortly after i joined or sometimes I get kicked.

    On Hell Reaper I use finale in the begginning since the Physical Resist is so high only mage can break through the first phase. The next phases I just cast Recovery on the DPS and Bless for some HP Regen. I try casting arrows and lances when I can for some Proration, but that's about it. Am I expected to fire finale from time to time or smth?

    On Neo Maton sword tbh Ive just played once. I think the party was trying to bug but I didnt know what the bug was before then. I wanna know if you guys need anything from the mage during a nonbug play of Neo Maton Sword so that I know

    Thanks so much in advance
  2. ẜἸoωer

    ẜἸoωer Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2019
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    For Neo Maton I use Finale on the earlier phases. Storm especially on last phase since there is dmg limit and less likely to get hit by a red aoe that can insta kill you.
    Casting Finale is possible its just difficult to time given the boss environment.
    If you can do Instaburst or burst trick, its also good damage and helps prorate.
  3. A1dren

    A1dren Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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    finale for big chunk of dmg. (when situation allows it)

    -arrow-impct (cons) mainly for stacking burst+protrte. cud use javelin but dat flinch(non elemntal staf) wud be suq so 1mp short cast animation is way better
    -burst-impact(cons) /storm-impact(cons) (main dmg)
    -repeat arrow

    just remember to mind your distance if ye dont hve non-tumble gear n most importantly keep ur combo short so u have tht tyme to react n walk out from any aoe
    note:with just over 1k cspd u dont really nid to reach up to 8 stcks. same strategies aplied on hell gesp just nid abit changes wth combos, short combo n alwys be ready to move especially at tht very last phase

    in response to your way at hell reaper, yes most players wud be expecting tht very much actually. believe it or not most of the tyme the tank will alyws have his eye on mage not in a way of seeing them as a leecher in party but actually to get their (tank) interuption timing precisely right so tht their (mage) finale can land ez hit. synergy between these two is highly important, any delayed or not meeting each other expectations well u saw where does tht went to :kappa:
    n i dont recommend spamming recovery on other players unless they asked for it since its 2020 lvl cap 200+ wth lots of skill points nearly impossible if they didnt have their own recovery skill.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
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