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Magic Skill , CSPD and Magic Critical Rework

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Balugbog056, Oct 16, 2021.

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  1. Balugbog056

    Balugbog056 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    CSPD on Magic Should Rework like this
    1000 CSPD = -1s Reduction
    Why? because its impractical that all magic skill need 10k cspd to instant regardless of its cast time

    This Scalling Rework is rebalance due to physical always auto crit while Magic Skill has Similar Multiplier/Constant ATM but Magic Crit system is low

    All Skill Info not mention remain same

    Magic Arrow
    Casting Time = 1s
    Tick Speed = 2.5x Faster
    Skill Mult/Constant = Same

    Magic Wall
    Casting Time = 1s
    Tick Speed = 3x Faster
    Skill Mult/Constant = Same
    Inside of Skill = All Shark and Homing AOE is Block (Linear,Meteor,Epicenter,Spike Can Bypass This Barrier)
    Barrier Health = Player Level * MATK/10
    Skill Bonus
    Staff = +1m , 0.5x Skill Multiplier
    Magic Device = +2m

    Magic Javelin
    MP Cost = 100mp
    Skill Multiplier = 5+Total INT/100
    Skill Constant = 400

    Magic Lance
    MP Cost = 200
    Casting Time = 2s
    Tick Speed = 2x Faster
    Summon Animation Speed = 2x Faster
    Skill Mult/Constant = Same

    Magic Blast
    MP Cost = 200
    Casting Time = 3s
    Skill Multiplier = 15+Total INT/100
    Skill Constant = 500
    Leave a Crater on 3s (1s per tick)
    Crater Multiplier = 3x (each hit)
    Crater Constant = 250 (each hit)
    Crater Ailment Rate = 25%
    Skill Bonus
    Staff = 0.5x Crater Multiplier
    Magic Device = 25% Crater Ailment Rate

    Magic Impact
    Element = Weapon Dependent
    Skill Multiplier = 5x
    Staff Bonus = 100% Tumble
    Magic Device Bonus = 7.5x Additional Multiplier
    When Buff is Active = Reduce Tumble Rate

    Magic Storm
    MP Cost = 300
    Tick Speed = 3x
    Hit Count = 10x
    Skill Multiplier = 3+Total INT/200
    Skill Constant = 300 (Each hit)

    Magic Finale
    Skill Multiplier = Same
    Skill Constant = 3000 , 2000 , 1000
    2nd and 3rd Hit Additional Multiplier = Total INT/100
    Gain stack when using magic skill up to 8 stack
    (Stack Effects)
    -reduce 0.25s casting time every stack
    -reduce 75mp cost each stack
    -increase 1st hit radius 0.5m each stack
    -increase 2nd hit radius 0.25m

    Magic Burst
    MP Cost = 400
    Skill Multiplier = 20
    Skill Constant = 1000
    Casting Time = 8s
    Stack Limit = 4
    (Each Stack Effect)
    4 Additional Multiplier
    25% Magic Pierce
    6.25% Magic Critical Rate
    -25% Cast Time Reduction
    Staff Bonus
    Additional Skill Multiplier = Total INT/100
    Additional Stack Multiplier Bonus = Total INT/400
    Magic Device Bonus
    Additional Multiplier = Total INT/200
    Additional Stack Bonus = Total INT/800
    Radius Bonus = Same in Old Effect

    MP Charge
    Casting Time = 3s
    Staff Bonus = -1s Casting Time
    Magic Device Bonus = -0.5s Casting Time , 500 MP

    Still used Old CSPD System but no longer CAP

    Chain Cast
    it give buffs now in any magic skill but it need to follow which magic correspoding next skill tree (also Finale is not affected in this effect)

    Power Wave
    It use now MATK additionally to Auto Attack
    -Rampage No Longer Disabled this Effect
    -Power Wave Regislet still use MATK Boost
    -Damage Penalty only Affected without Magic Tool
    Skill Bonus
    Staff = Skill Range , 50% Damage Bonus
    Magic Device = 100% Damage Bonus
    Sub Magic Device = 50% Damage Bonus

    Spell Burst should be 50/50 Rate
    Magic Warrior Should be given +25% Magic Crit Limit Rate

    Lastly Critical Resist should calculate first using Normal Critical Rate Before Converting it into Magic Critical Rate (Currently 25 Crit Resist Boss Negate your 100 Critical Rate seriously)

    Also i hope asobimo put Mdef Reduction on Weaken vs Boss/Mini-Boss (not affected atm already tested) increase mdef reduction effect of enchant burst depending on stacks
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2021
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  2. XGunZx

    XGunZx Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2019
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    thats is a big nerf for all the dps classes (each combo use 1 impact each time so you would get the max stack) 1600-600= 1k, smite for combo end = 2k mp, you can get 2k mp with a decoy hit and archer mp recovery with a impact>dmg skill>finale(smite)
    after 8 combos you have the chance to activate finale :v

    it should be 'staff only'
  3. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    CSPD needs a better scaling factor than there is right now.

    Currently, you can get 5k+ CSPD yet that CSPD does nothing but reduce cast time. ASPD is scaled by light armor, has multiple skills attributed to it and increases motion speed.

    Otherwise, I like the suggestions. ESPECIALLY that crater effect with magic blast.
    Honestly though, magic needs more persistent effects rather than what it has going for it right now in that every magic resets once recast. That change alone fixes a lot of what's wrong with magic.
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