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mana issue for blacksmith

Discussion in 'Toram Online In Game Issues / Device Support' started by bahram, Feb 22, 2022.


game improvement ideas

  1. good idea

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  2. this idea can be better with some change

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  3. not solve anything

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  4. completely wrong and bad idea

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  1. bahram

    bahram New Member

    Feb 22, 2022
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    i want to ask why too many status who we can add to a crafted equipment just need mana .
    its too hard to collect mana in game ( just once per year with summer shell , and if its time done , extremely hard to collect it ) its so annoying
    please make a fair way to collect it
    Also Blacksmith characters using too many skill point and "TEC" is useless for dps skills ; so we cant use them for play and hardly it can leveling as suffering from low skill point.
    Finally we should dump 5 skill point to first skills in any tree who we never using them then hard to get our wanted skills so many times , it would be better to let us set lower skill point and just jump of them to next one without enable them --- OR : let the star gem skills count on tree ( example : if i buy star gem skill of shield mastery level 5 let me set next skills in tree without setting extra skill point )
    Thank you so much

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